As Covid-19 hobbles industrial meat, small producers are having a moment Stephen Robert Miller, May 6, 2020 HuffPost
When meat plants shutter, what happens to market-ready animals? Elizabeth Royte, April 28, 2020 Mother Jones
Coronavirus forces California farmworkers to scramble for safe drinking water Liza Gross, April 22, 2020 FERN News
As pandemic spreads and growing season ramps up, farmworkers deemed ‘essential’ but still largely unprotected Esther Honig, April 12, 2020 Mother Jones
The coronavirus has laid bare restaurant workers’ ‘tip to mouth’ existence Liza Gross, April 2, 2020 Mother Jones
Food waste–and food insecurity–rising amid coronavirus panic Elizabeth Royte, March 30, 2020 National Geographic
Migrant farmworkers feed America, and they’re at high risk for a coronavirus outbreak Liza Gross and Esther Honig, March 26, 2020 HuffPost
Can Asia’s infectious disease-producing wildlife trade be stopped? Brian Barth, March 23, 2020 FERN News
U.S. Embassy and consulates in Mexico to shut down, threatening labor supply for American farms Esther Honig, March 17, 2020 FERN News
A Texas community chokes on fecal dust from cattle feedlots Chris Collins, February 3, 2020 Texas Observer
It’s illegal to take drone photos of feedlots in Texas. Chris Collins, February 13, 2020 Texas Observer
As the Salton Sea shrinks, it leaves behind a toxic reminder of the cost of making a desert bloom Lindsay Fendt, January 13, 2020