After a farmworker in rural Texas died of complications from Covid-19, his family and federal investigators want answers Dana Ullman, September 16, 2020 Texas Observer
At the nation’s largest student farm organization, a reckoning on race Leah Douglas, September 8, 2020 Mother Jones
How do climate change, migration and a deadly sheep disease alter our understanding of pandemics? Carson Vaughan, September 3, 2020 Ensia
Pandemic and protest in a meatpacking town Mary Anne Andrei and Esther Honig, August 11, 2020 Latino USA
As Covid-19 rises, Alaskans crowd rivers to stock up on wild salmon Miranda Weiss, July 30, 2020 FERN News
As Covid-19 cases spike, an unprecedented alliance emerges to protect California farmworkers Liza Gross, July 7, 2020 Univision
The pandemic is just the latest threat faced by refugee food workers in Texas Jessica Goudeau, June 12, 2020 Texas Observer
With thousands of seafood workers coming to Alaska, state tries to contain Covid-19 Miranda Weiss, June 11, 2020 FERN News
How did Europe avoid the Covid-19 catastrophe ravaging U.S. meatpacking plants? Bridget Huber, June 10, 2020 Mother Jones
Covid-19 is spreading among farmworkers, and it may get worse Elizabeth Royte, June 2, 2020 FERN News
When Covid-19 hits a rural meatpacking plant, county infection rates soar to five times the average Leah Douglas and Tim Marema, May 28, 2020 Daily Yonder
Feeding refugees on the U.S.-Mexico border was always a challenge. Now there’s Covid-19. Barry Yeoman, May 21, 2020 FERN News
‘The workers are being sacrificed’: As cases mounted, meatpacker JBS kept people on crowded factory floors Esther Honig and Ted Genoways, May 1, 2020 Mother Jones
Trump’s executive order seeks controversial overhaul of seafood industry Leah Douglas, May 8, 2020 FERN News