Will Trump’s America First policy make COOL great again?

Under the threat of $1 billion in retaliatory tariffs by Canada and Mexico, Congress repealed a law 16 months ago that required packages of beef and and pork to say where the animals were born, raised and slaughtered. Activist agricultural groups say a revival of the labels would be a complement to President Trump's America First policy and his complaint of unfair practices by U.S. neighbors.
Parents oppose ads that pitch unhealthy food to children
A large majority — 85 percent — of the parents polled about food marketing said foodmakers should reduce advertising to induce children to eat unhealthy foods, said the Rudd Center for Food and Obesity. The University of Connecticut center said that since 2012 support increased among parents for "policies to promote healthy eating habits for their children in the media, schools and communities."
Looking for a U.S. green light for fish farming in the deep blue sea
A Commerce Department agency has authorized up to 20 permits for deep-water aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico that eventually could double the finfish output of the gulf. Fish farming in the ocean would help satisfy the growing world appetite for seafood, but it also is a formidable challenge, writes Virginia Gewin. The story, produced in partnership with FERN, was published in Ensia.
Temperatures in the U.S. are warmest yet
The U.S. is seeing its warmest period in recorded history. “The latest one-, two-, three-, four- and five year periods — ending in March — rank as the warmest in 122 years of record-keeping for the Lower 48 states, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,” says The Washington Post.
Utah Rep. Chaffetz won’t seek re-election
“I have long advocated public service should be for a limited time and not a lifetime or full career,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican, about his decision to not run for re-election. “After more than 1,500 nights away from my home, it is time.”
USDA finds 13-percent increase in organic farms and businesses
New data shows another year of rapid expansion in the organic sector, with the number of certified organic farms and businesses up by 13 percent during 2016, said USDA. "This is the highest growth rate since 2008," said USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service, and it follows a 12 percent increase in 2015.
When it comes to DC protests, farmers could be the role models
The March for Science, set for Saturday in Washington, may command attention for one reason: "It’s pretty rare for people in any occupation to march on their field’s behalf," says FiveThirtyEight in an examination of public protest. "When scientists travel from across the country to ask their government for respect and funding, the group they will most closely be emulating is farmers."
U.S. will ‘get the solution’ in dairy dispute with Canada, says Trump

During a trip to Wisconsin, President Trump said, “We’re going to get the solution” in a dispute with Canada over the price of a high-protein milk concentrate called ultrafiltered milk that’s used in making cheese.
How to keep disease out of a sow barn? Positive pressure filtration
A large-scale hog operation in Iowa will use positive pressure filtration, the same technology used by hospitals and manufacturers to avoid contamination, “to help prevent the spread of deadly viruses,” says Successful Farming.
Iowa Senate votes to close sustainable agriculture center
The Republican-controlled state Senate voted to close the 30-year-old Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture and shift $1.5 million previously earmarked for it to a nutrient research center.
Industry likes the idea of outsourcing new WOTUS rules
President Trump has ordered replacement of the Waters of the United States rule, and Politico says industry groups allied with EPA administrator Scott Pruitt have an idea who should write the replacement: private lawyers.
A solid majority likely in Senate for Perdue, says Grassley
Sonny Perdue can expect a broad and bipartisan vote in the Senate next week to become agriculture secretary, though it won’t be unanimous, said Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley.
Mexico sees trade deal with Argentina on ag products by end of year
Mexico’s deputy trade minister, Juan Carlos Baker, said that a trade agreement with Argentina involving cars and agricultural products could be completed by the end of this year.
Berkeley soda tax hasn’t been bad for business
The nation’s first soda tax, Berkeley, California’s one-cent-per-ounce levy, hasn’t impacted retail businesses, but it has reduced soda purchases by 9.6 percent, says a new study by the University of North Carolina.
Across U.S., lawmakers weigh bills that limit nuisance suits against CAFOs

In a handful of states, legislators are deciding this year whether to limit the rights of people who file lawsuits alleging that large livestock farms near their homes are public nuisances.
Groceries and convenience stores ask FDA for delay in menu-labeling rule
Trade groups for grocers and convenience store operators made a list-minute request to the FDA to delay the menu-labeling requirement due to take effect on May 5.
Dry weather in Europe may cut into wheat harvest
Wheat prices reached their highest level in nearly three years on the London futures market because of fears that dry weather threatens the summer harvest.
Rain slows corn planting; impact on acreage is unclear
Widespread rain has slowed corn planting this spring, especially in the powerhouse states of the Midwest, says the USDA’s weekly Crop Progress report.
Beef imports are lowest in 13 months
U.S. beef imports are declining and are forecast to be 14 percent lower in the first quarter of this year compared with the same period a year ago, say USDA economists.
With some revisions, Boulder County will end GE crops, neonics on county land
By the same 2-1 vote as last November, Boulder County commissioners approved a new version of their plan to phase out genetically engineered corn and sugar beets on county-owned farmland.