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Some of Our Featured Writers

We want to keep investigating, explaining and exploring. But we can’t do it without you. Get up to five editions of The Dirt now and dive deep into the most critical issues facing the food system today.
A Taste of What’s Inside

“Tell me how the watermelon grows” by Jori Lewis with Switchyard. In this cultural exploration of a politically controversial fruit, Lewis uses her own life as a lens on the racist history of watermelon in America.

“Secrets of the swamp” by Boyce Upholt with The New Republic. A powerful Everglades nonprofit, closely allied with Ron DeSantis, sued one of its former scientists for stealing trade secrets. What was the foundation really after?

“What good is beef,” by Siddartha Deb with Switchyard. What does it mean to be a beef-eater in India? Deb explores his own history as a beef-eater from a Hindu family, as well as the larger history of political violence that surrounds this issue in India.