We Investigate How Feds are Failing to Protect Farmworkers From Heat

In “As heat rises, who will protect farmworkers?,” a FERN exclusive, Bridget Huber, Nancy Averett and Teresa Cotsirilos explain that though heat-related illness and death are a growing problem in U.S. agriculture, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration still hasn’t established national safety guidelines.

This story was republished by both Mother Jones and Grist as part of the Covering Climate Now news partnership. Mother Jones has a monthly readership of 8M and a total social media following of 2.7M. Grist has a monthly readership of about 600,000 and a total social media following of 550,000+.

The Grist republished piece was picked up in a couple of places, including Pattrn and Radio Free. Pattrn is a web news resource that provides info on climate change. It also serves as the Weather Channel’s free and ad-supported streaming service dedicated to covering climate change. It was launched in 2018 and is available on Local Now, Plex, and Tubi. Radio Free is a hub for independent journalism founded on being the voice for the voiceless.

Covering Climate Now ran a Food & Water Week from June 27 to July 1, where they shared coverage from their news partners that focused on answering the question: How is climate change affecting the food we eat and the water we drink? They featured our story as part of this coverage.

The piece was shared on National Catholic Reporter‘s website, which reaches about 1 million unique visitors each month.

It was included in Confined Space, a newsletter of workplace safety and labor issues, by Jordan Barab, the Former Deputy Assistant Secretary, OSHA.

Two international blogs also cited the story. The first, bruchstuecke.info, is a German blog that provides info pertaining to problematic politics and economic issues. The other, Infosperber, is a Swiss site run by the Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Independent Information (SSUI). Their focus is to provide news geared toward political and social issues.

Esquire mentioned and linked to the story via a politics blog piece. Note that their website sees 25M visitors per month.

On Twitter, we saw engagement around the story from United Farm Workers (132,000 followers), Legal Aid at Work (3,500 followers), Maryland Pesticide Education Network (1,200 followers), Colorado Food & Farm Alliance (365 followers), Dr. Robert D. Bullard (father of enviro justice movement, 30,000 followers), Public Health Podcast and Media Network (1,400 K followers), Coming Clean (collaborative network working to transform the chemical industry, 2,500 followers), NFU – Waterloo-Wellington Local 340 (Canadian farmers union, 140 followers), Emory University News (5,500 followers), Woodruff Health Sciences Center at Emory University (11,300 followers), 11th Hour Project (3,000 followers), Backbone Campaign (provides resources for organized campaigners, 5,000 followers), Poppy Davis (20,000 followers), Carla D. Martin (founder and exec director of the Fine Cacao and Chocolate Institute, 3,700 followers), and Florida Issues (1,000 followers).

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