FERN Takes Us into Spain’s ‘Micro-Reserves’

In “Europe’s butterflies are vanishing as small farms disappear,” published with National Geographic, Bridget Huber shows us that industrial farms and abandoned ones are both bad for butterflies. So researchers in Spain are trying to combat the trend, one ‘micro-reserve’ at a time.

We saw good results on Twitter for the story. Shares were seen by Michael Pollan (575,000+ followers), Hippocampus Magazine (11,700 followers), Knowable Magazine (14,000 followers), EJ Today News (SEJ feed), Woodcock Foundation, as well as from several environmental  journalists that included  Katie Siegner ( Rocky Mountain Institute), Sarah Trent (450 followers), Sarena Snider (1,700 followers), Lena Mucha (600 followers), and Jessica Camille Aguirre (1,100 followers). 

In addition, National Geographic, our media partner for this story, published the piece on both their main website, which reaches an online audience of 26M unique visitors per month, as well as their UK site. Combined, these links were engaged with on Twitter over 700 times.

National Geographic’s social media reach is over 220M across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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