FERN Looks at Importance of Seed-Saving

In “What seed-saving can tell us about the end of the world,” a collaboration with Orion, Kea Krause explores the ancient practice of seed-saving, which appeared to become popular once again during the pandemic. Kea explains that as climate change bears down, why we save seeds may matter as much as the act of saving them.

Within a day of publication, the Orion link to the story had been tweeted over 150 times.

Within that same time period, FERN’s Instagram post had received over 800 impressions and over 80 engagements, including from Jay Heritage Center (nonprofit in Rye, New York, focused on environmental preservation and social justice, 4K followers), Red Ridge, NC (nonprofit in Red Ridge, NC, focused on creating a more just, equitable and sustainable world), Clover Croft Farm (regenerative/organic farm in Ontario, Canada, 1.5K followers), Evelyn’s Crackers (heritage grain bakery in Ontario, Canada, 6.1K followers), Wakelyns Bakery (small-batch wholegrain bakery in the UK, 24.1K followers), Small Food Bakery (100% sourdough bakery in the UK, 14.7K), Society of Environmental Journalists (1.5K followers), and George Steinmetz (Nat Geo and NYT photographer, 1.1M followers).

On Twitter, our share of the story saw over 900 impressions and over 30 engagements.

Overall engagements on Twitter were seen from Orion Magazine (27K followers), AGree (3.4K followers), Farm Action (780 followers), Organic Seed Alliance (8.1K followers), The Food Times (food systems+climate food for thought, 745 followers), Craig Welch (Nat Geo staff writer, 8K followers), Dennis Dimick (photographer, 8.6K followers), Kate Olson (journalist, 230 followers), Libby Leonard (journalist, 400 followers), Andrew Adam-Bradford (geographer, 3.5K followers), and Lucie Buchi (researcher at The Natural Resources Institute of the University of Greenwich, 320 followers).

Our media partner for this story, Orion Magazine, reaches an online audience of 80K per month. In addition, it has 96K social media followers.

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