FERN Looks at an Ag Visa Program That’s Failing Farmworkers

In “A tell-tale tragedy,” Esther Honig and Johnathan Hettinger dig into how the nation’s most important agricultural visa program is failing the workers it is supposed to protect.

The story was part of the Pulitzer Center’s Farmworker Housing in America project, which puts into context the widespread problem of farmworker housing, and the long-lasting impact of the lack of enforcement.

Modern Farmer mentioned and linked to the story in their newsletter of theirs, and it was shared by INN’s Rural News Network on their website, as well as in their newsletter.

Overall, the story saw over 8.5K impressions and 5.7K engagements across social media.

Our media partner for this story, Investigate Midwest, sees 70K pageviews a month. In addition, they have a social media following of 5.2K.

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