The appetite for journalism is stronger than ever, but the way we get our news is changing rapidly. The Internet offers us a flood of information and opinion, while crucial stories go underreported and traditional media continues to shrink. New non-profit journalism ventures have helped fill the gap, but are they the answer? How do they fit with the evolving media landscape?
On October 1, 2012 the Food & Environment Reporting Network’s Editor-in-Chief Sam Fromartz will be participating in a panel in New York City on the ways in which journalism is evolving. Moderated by WNYC’s Leonard Lopate, the panel will also feature Stephen Engleberg, the Managing Editor of ProPublica, a Pulitzer prize-winning journalism non-profit, and Felix Salmon, who is the finance blogger at Reuters and has written extensively on the future business and economics of news media.
Where: Tompkin’s Square Library (331 East 10th Street, Near Avenue B)
When: 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., October 1, 2012
Please rsvp to Paula (at)