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Organic Trade Association

Taking names in the organic-checkoff debate

The campaign against a checkoff program for the organic industry says more farmers oppose the proposal than favor it, and it cites its 57-page petition as proof. Not so, responded the Organic Trade Association, which says half of the signatures on the petition are duplicates or come from people who are not farmers.

Coalition of organic farmers opposes checkoff plan

The "No Organic Checkoff" coalition has amassed a petition of 755 signatories, representing 6,000 farmers, to oppose the proposed organic checkoff tax, reports New America's Food & Power. The Organic Trade Association (OTA) pitched the checkoff in May 2015 to the USDA, saying a commission would use the funds to promote organic products. But petitioners fear that the checkoff will go the way of others before it, funneling money toward industry giants and away from small producers.

Coalition tells USDA: Thumbs down on organic checkoff

The USDA should reject the checkoff program proposed by the organic industry, says a coalition of opponents, who contend the checkoff would fail to expand U.S. production despite seemingly insatiable consumer demand.

Organic ‘hot spots’ are economic boost, says white paper

A white paper commissioned by the Organic Trade Association says organic "hot spots" have higher household incomes and lower poverty rates than rural counties in general. The author of the white paper, Penn State economist Edward Jaenicke, says, "The growing market interest in organic agriculture can be leveraged into effective policy for economic development."

GMO label ‘has to meet the one-second test’

The only consumer-friendly solution to the GMO food-labeling impasse in the Senate is to require printed disclosure of ingredients on the package, says Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley. "It has to meet the one-second test," Merkley told a conference of the Organic Trade Association, meaning that shoppers can tell at a glance if GMOs are present.

USDA proposes mandated outdoor access for organic poultry

After years of development, the USDA proposed stronger housing and welfare rules for organic livestock that include group housing for swine and year-round access for poultry to the outdoors.

U.S. tally of organic producers grows 12 percent in a year

While a small fraction of U.S. agriculture, the number of certified organic operations is climbing at the fastest rate since 2008. The USDA says there are 21,781 organic operations, up 12 percent in a year. The United States accounts for two-thirds of the organic producers worldwide. "Organic food is one of the fastest-growing segments of American agriculture," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

More clashes as GMOs move into fruits and vegetables

Nearly half of U.S. cropland is planted with genetically engineered crops, say four USDA analysts, but the risk of cross-contamination of organic and non-GMO crops may rise with the approval of genetically modified apples and potatoes.

Organic trade group to seek ‘transitional’ organic designation

The Organic Trade Association, the main trade group for the organic food industry, said it was filing paperwork early next year for a “transitional” organic designation at the USDA that would benefit farmers going through the three-year transition to organic farming. The aim of the program would be to provide economic incentives for farmers to go organic at a time when demand is growing strongly but supplies still fall short.

Sharp jump in recalls of organic food products

Organic food accounts for 7 percent of all food units recalled this year, compared to 2 percent in 2014, according to Stericycle, a company that handles recalls, reports the New York Times.

House may pass bill against GMO labeling before end of July

The U.S. House could vote as early as next week on a bill to pre-empt states from requiring labels on food made with genetically modified organisms. And passage seems assured, backers said, after speedy committee approval of the legislation. The Agriculture Committee, a quarter of whose members are cosponsors of the bill, approved an updated version on a voice vote during a session that ran less than 20 minutes.

Pompeo says ‘no choices taken away’ by GMO pre-emption bill

Opponents will get one clear chance during House debate to torpedo a Republican-backed bill that would pre-empt state laws that require special labels on food made with genetically modified organisms, the Rules Committee decided on a party-line vote.

U.S. and Switzerland sign organic trade partnership

Switzerland and the United States formed a partnership for trade in organic food and other organic products, the fifth such organic "equivalency" agreement that the U.S. has sealed with a trading partner.

House Ag leaders say GMO bill focuses on labels only

With a floor vote near, the leaders of the House Agriculture Committee say a bill to bar states from requiring labels on foods made with genetically modified foods is targeted in its scope.

US and Korea facilitate trade in organic products

South Korea and the United States agreed to a streamlined system of trade for processed organic products, including condiments, cereal, baby food, frozen meals, milk and alcoholic beverages, effective on Tuesday. The agreement says each country accepts that organic products from the other country meet the importing country's standards.

Organic check-off stirs debate within the industry

"A battle is brewing in the organic food industry," says Harvest Public Media in a story about the expected request for a check-off program for organic products.

U.S. organic cotton plantings, while small, are on the rise

Organic cotton is a tiny part of the U.S. production, a bit more than 10,000 bales out of the total of 16 million bales. But organic growers said in a survey that they intend to expand plantings this year, to nearly 19,000 acres.

GMO labeling fight to come to Congress in 2015

After three years of state-level referendums that cost $100 million, the fight over labeling GMO foods will come to Congress in 2015, say two organization leaders, Laura Batcha of the Organic Trade Association and Scott Faber of the Just Label It campaign. "The fight is shifting to D.C.," Faber told reporters at a breakfast sponsored by OTA. Batcha said "we really see 2015 as the year the fight moves to Washington."

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