ocean temperatures
Consolidation and climate change threaten U.S. fisheries, say FERN panelists

While overfishing no longer threatens U.S. fisheries, other pressing sustainability issues, such as finfish aquaculture and consolidation, top the list of concerns among fishers and fisheries experts, according to panelists who spoke at FERN Talks and Eats in New York City on Monday.</strong>(No paywall)</strong>
As the oceans warm, the seafood we eat will have to change
Americans eat only a small number of sea creatures of seafood—namely salmon, shrimp and tilapia. But the world’s warming oceans are shifting undersea ecosystems in a way that will force us to expand our minds and palates, reports Ben Goldfarb in FERN's latest story, published with EatingWell.<strong>(No paywall)</strong>
‘Living shorelines’ the best defense against storms
As Rowan Jacobsen reports in FERN's latest story, published with Scientific American, research done over the last decade has made clear that "living shorelines" are far better at protecting the coastline from the devastating floods and tidal surges caused by the huge storms of the climate-change era than seawalls and other "armored" shorelines. <strong>(No paywall)</strong>
Oceans are getting hotter faster
The world’s oceans are heating up 13 percent faster than previously thought, says a study published in the journal Science Advances. Ocean temperatures are considered a reliable indicator of the earth’s overall rate of climate change, since 90 percent of any extra heat is absorbed by the ocean, writes John Abraham, a thermal sciences professor at University of St. Thomas and one of the study's authors, in The Guardian.