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Study finds microplastics in powdered infant formula

New research shows for the first time that powdered baby formula, especially when packaged in boxes, contains significant levels of microplastics.

New research says seafood is a major source of plastic in U.S. diet

Alarming new research suggests that, contrary to what scientists have long believed, tiny plastic particles consumed by fish and other seafood do not stay in the animals’ digestive tracts but rather seep into their flesh, as Liza Gross reports in FERN’s latest story, published with Mother Jones. And that means those plastic particles also seep into the diet of people who eat seafood.<strong>(No paywall)</strong>

Ninety-four percent of U.S. tap water laced with plastic

Not only are tiny plastic particles showing up in the fish we eat, but they’re in nearly all the tap water we drink, says an investigation by Orb Media. The research examined samples from around the world, and 83 percent of them contained microplastics.