In blow to workers, labor board proposes redefining joint-employer standard
The National Labor Relations Board will publish a proposed rule Friday that would change its definition of a joint employer. The move would reverse an Obama-era decision that had made it easier to hold parent companies, such as restaurant chains, accountable for the labor violations of franchisees.
McDonald’s reneges on wage promise
McDonald’s has failed to comply with a 2015 promise to raise workers’ wages, organizers say. The chain had said that it would raise its workers’ hourly pay to at least one dollar above minimum wage.
McDonald’s settles labor suit
Up against a Monday deadline, Trump’s appointee for general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board negotiated a settlement in a lawsuit between two dozen workers and McDonald’s. The settlement means McDonald’s will avoid a verdict that could have dramatically shifted the relationship between workers and franchise restaurant chains.
McDonald’s wants more humane treatment of chickens
McDonald’s will now require chicken suppliers, including Tyson and Cargill, to treat animals more humanely at slaughter. “Birds sold to the chain ... no longer will be shocked, shackled by the feet to conveyors and have their throats slit ...,” says The Los Angeles Times. “Such methods can leave chickens fully conscious when they are slaughtered.”
Founder of Immokalee coalition talks about his MacArthur ‘genius’ grant
The organizer and human-rights activist, Greg Asbed, co-founded the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, (CIW) which has worked with major retailers and food companies to guarantee better pay and treatment for farmworkers through the coalition’s Fair Food Program. Asbed recently won one of the 24 MacArthur 'genius' grants, worth $625,000, for his leadership. As he told The New York Times in a phone interview, he plans to turn over all of that money to the coalition.
Who eats fast food? Everybody, but middle-income earners especially.
Shareholders, activists pressure restaurants on antibiotic use in meat
Activism around the contentious issue of giving antibiotics to meat animals is moving from the farm to the plate by putting pressure on restaurant chains. Last week, a coalition of 30 consumer and environmental groups pressed the cult California burger chain In-N-Out to change its antibiotics-related buying policy. At the same time, a shareholder group pushed McDonald’s to increase its antibiotic-free buying — and while the measure did not pass, 30 percent of shareholders voted for it.
Batista brothers, owners of meatpacking giant JBS, resign from senior posts
JBS chairman Joesley Batista and chief executive Wesley Batista resigned from senior posts "in a corruption scandal that threatens to topple Brazil's president Michel Temer," said Reuters. The brothers, who own the world's largest meat producer, which has operations in the United States, admitted to paying $150 million, mostly in bribes, to nearly 2,000 politicians in Brazil, including its past three presidents, said the Wall Street Journal.
McDonald’s to test home delivery in three Florida cities
Survey: Female fast-food workers are frequent victims of sexual harassment
Forty percent of women working in fast food said they had experienced sexual harassment on the job, and 42 percent of those said they felt they had to accept the inappropriate treatment or else lose their jobs, according to a survey by Hart Research Associates.
The Big Mac gets big and little brothers, for a few weeks at least
Fast-food giant McDonald's, as part of updating its menu, will test smaller and bigger versions of its Big Mac across the nation in early 2017, says BuzzFeed. "Whether the new Macs are added permanently to the menu will depend on sales during the winter promotion."
Restaurants are hurting as more Americans eat at home
Americans aren’t eating out like they used to, and restaurants are feeling the pain. According to Bloomberg, U.S. restaurant sales “grew in the second quarter at their slowest pace since 2009,” partially because customers find it too expensive to eat out. Restaurants have had to raise menu prices to keep up with higher minimum wages and other cost factors, while grocery prices have dropped for the last 10 months straight.
McDonald’s newest business strategy is the breakfast Happy Meal
The kiddos can now start their day off with a little McDonald’s happiness. The company will launch a breakfast-themed happy meal at 73 locations in the Tulsa, Oklahoma, region, with a choice between two McGriddles or an Egg & Cheese McMuffin sans the Canadian bacon.
Fast-food chains don’t trumpet removal of the ‘yoga-mat chemical’
In the more than two years since Subway was called out by a blogger for using azodicarbonamide, a chemical found in yoga mats and other non-food items, to make its bread dough lighter and stronger, a slew of fast-food chains have followed Subway’s lead and removed the chemical—but unlike Subway they’ve done it quietly, with little or no publicity, says Bloomberg.
McDonald’s to use sugar, not corn syrup, in sandwich buns
Fast-food giant McDonald’s Corp. “will replace high-fructose corn syrup in its sandwich buns with sugar as part of an effort to simplify its ingredients and satisfy increasingly conscientious customers," said the Wall Street Journal.
Could thrifty shoppers thwart cage-free producers?
Even though big food companies like Walmart, General Mills and McDonald’s pledged to sell only cage-free eggs, producers are growing wary of investing in cage-free housing because “those premium eggs simply are not selling well,” reports American Public Media’s Marketplace.
Iowa teacher no longer tells students about his McDonald’s diet
Fast-food giant McDonald's "has ended a controversial practice of giving nutrition advice to students in schools, pulling back on a program that critics said was a subtle form of fast-food marketing that could imperil kids' health and understanding of nutrition," reports the Washington Post.
McDonald’s responds on film “540 Meals”
McDonald's says the film "540 Meals," criticized as an infomercial that the fast food giant is pushing in schools, is about "making informed and balanced choices no matter where you choose to eat and incorporating exercise into your daily routine." The 19-minute film follows a school teacher from central Iowa, John Cisna, who lost weight while eating every meal for 90 days at McDonald's.
McDonald’s pulls link to school nutrition “infomercial” – The Lunch Tray
The No 1 fast food company, McDonald's, "has quietly pulled the link" on the Internet to a 20-minute film, "540 Meals: Choices Make a Difference," that was being promoted for nutrition education classes in middle and high schools, says the blog The Lunch Tray. The author of the blog, Bettina Siegel, says the film features "features McDonald's paid brand ambassador John Cisna, an Iowa science teacher who lost weight eating McDonald's for 90 days" and "is little more than an infomercial."