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Farmland prices rise by up to 15 percent in hot market

With cash in their wallets, farmers are joining a throng of bidders that includes investors to drive up prices for farmland, said the largest U.S. farm management and real estate company on Tuesday. "Farmland sales prices are up by 5 to 15 perent in the past six months with most of the increase coming since the first of the year," said Randy Dickhut of Farmers National Co., based in Omaha.

Farming plays key role in UN climate push on land restoration

When the UN Climate Summit gets underway next week, it will be the focal point of mass protests and media coverage, but another global climate initiative is revving up that focuses on large-scale land restoration as a way to counter the advent and impact of climate change.<strong>(No paywall)</strong>

More organic production possible without huge loss of virgin land

If the world raised organic production and moved toward a vegetarian diet, farmers could feed the global population without converting large amounts of virgin land like forests to crops, says a new study in the journal Nature Communications.