Monsanto sues California to keep glyphosate off cancer list
Monsanto sued California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), demanding that the agency not add glyphosate to the state’s list of known carcinogens, reports Reuters.
Farm groups ask EPA to allow sale of Dow herbicide

Farmers need "new technology to address the weed control challenges on U.S. farms now," and the EPA should make sure a new weedkiller is available for the spring planting season, said five large U.S. ag groups.
EPA withdraws approval of Dow’s Enlist Duo herbicide

The government withdrew its approval of Dow's Enlist Duo herbicide because the combination of two weedkillers is more powerful than originally believed and could endanger "non-target plants." The EPA acted just over a year after approving the herbicide, a combination of 2,4-D and glyphosate, the most widely used weedkiller in the world.
GMO crops – rapid adoption, perennial dispute
Looking back nearly two decades to the commercial introduction of GMO crops in 1996, Monsanto executive vice president Robb Fraley says the avid adoption by farmers of the technology exceeded his expectations. "They've been the fastest-adopted tool in the history of agriculture," Fraley told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. He also said, "I wouldn’t have believed in 1980 (the dawn of genetic engineering) that we’d still be talking about GMO crops and still having some of the controversies that we face today."
European panel says glyphosate unlikely to cause cancer
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which advises EU policy makers, says glyphosate, the most widely used weedkiller in the world, is unlikely to cause cancer in humans, said Reuters. The finding is contrary to the conclusion of WHO's cancer agency in March that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto's herbicide Roundup, is "probably carcinogenic to humans."
Monsanto says California agency wrong on glyphosate
Monsanto told California regulators that they should withdraw their proposal to add the weedkiller glyphosate to a state list of chemicals known to cause cancer, said Reuters. The state Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment unveiled the plan in September and said it was required following an assessment by a World Health Organization agency that the chemical is a probable carcinogen in humans.
Law firms seek plaintiffs for glyphosate cases
Glyphosate and GMOs, tied together in food debates
"It's inevitable that glyphosate is all wound up in GMOs," writes Tamar Haspel in the Washington Post. Many of the strains of GMO crops on the market were designed to tolerate the herbicide, so the crops survive when the chemical is sprayed in fields to kill weeds.
Herbicide-resistant weeds spread in Kansas
Kansas, often the No. 1 wheat state, is the latest hot spot for emergence of herbicide-resistant weeds.
California to list glyphosate as ‘known to cause cancer’
A state environmental agency in California says it intends to list glyphosate, the most widely used weedkiller in the world, "as known to the state to cause cancer" under the so-called Proposition 65 law.
New review needed of glyphosate safety, says NEJM column
In a column in the New England Journal of Medicine, two scientists called for a new U.S. safety assessment of glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world, said Reuters.
German agency backs safety of glyphosate
The widely used herbicide glyphosate "could get a new life in Europe after being deemed safe by a key assessment largely based on classified industry papers," says the Guardian.
WHO cancer agency to assess red meat in October
The International Agency for Research on Cancer, a WHO agency, plans a meeting from Oct. 6-13 in Lyon, France, to discuss red meat and processed meat.
USDA approves GE cotton that tolerates 2,4-D weedkiller
The USDA said it has decided to approve cultivation of cotton that has been genetically engineered by Dow AgroScience to tolerate the weedkiller 2,4-D as well as glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world, said Agri-Pulse.
Coalition opposes new weedkiller for GMO crops
A coalition of nine environmental and consumer groups says it submitted more than 500,000 comments in opposition to a Dow weedkiller that combines the herbicides glyphosate and 2,4-D. The Environmental Protection Agency says it hopes to make a final decision later this year, "perhaps by late summer or early fall," on the Enlist Duo weedkiller. It tentatively has decided the herbicide is safe for use.
Groups seeking GMO-label laws target glyphosate
The Just Label It campaign for mandatory labeling of food made with genetically modified organisms "rolled out a trio of academics on Wednesday in a bid to raise public awareness of the public health and environmental costs of herbicides used in the production of genetically engineered crops," said Agri-Pulse.
EPA to expand review of glyphosate and atrazine
Two of the most widely used herbicides, glyphosate and atrazine, will be part of a nationwide evaluation of the effects of 16 chemicals on 1,500 endangered plants and animals...
Green groups ask EPA to re-evaluate weedkiller glyphosate
The EPA should conduct "an urgent re-evaluation" of glyphosate, one of the most widely used pesticides in the world, in response to a determination by a World Health Organization agency that the weedkiller is probably carcinogenic for humans, said eight environmental groups.