Endangered Species Act
Forceful Trump to press regulatory relief first, say farm policy hands

The Trump administration will focus on regulatory relief in its early days in office, said two farm-policy hands, who pointed to EPA's Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule as a prime example of federal over-reach. Chuck Conner, of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, said President-elect Trump will be forceful in rolling back regulations, and Dale Moore, of the American Farm Bureau Federation, said the regulatory burden saps farmers' bottom lines.
Congressional leaders agree on California drought relief
A bipartisan water bill that includes drought relief for California could be put to a vote in Congress before the end of this week, said House and Senate leaders after agreeing on terms of the $558 million package. California Sen. Barbara Boxer said the bill tramples on the Endangered Species Act in order to divert more water to agriculture at the expense of salmon and the imperiled Delta smelt, said The Associated Press.
Trump’s latest ag adviser likes deep-fat fryers, but not the EPA
After naming GOP funder Charles Herbster to be chair of his Agricultural and Rural Ag Committee, Trump has nominated Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller to be co-chair, says Mother Jones—and the press are waiting for the antics to begin.
Feds try to please everyone with new salmon and steelhead management plan
Federal officials are crafting an agreement to divide the steelhead and salmon catch in the Columbia River watershed between tribal, sport and commercial fishermen, says The Seattle Times. The plan would cover fishing rights in Oregon, Idaho, and Washington State, probably for the next 10 years if the length of previous agreements is any indicator.
U.S. to decide by mid-2019 whether monarch butterfly is endangered
Under terms of a settlement, the Interior Department will rule by June 30, 2019, whether the monarch butterfly, which has suffered a huge drop in population, deserves protection under the Endangered Species Act, said two environmental groups. The groups say without help, the well-known orange-and-black insect is at risk of extinction.
California’s latest attempts to save fish have farmers afraid
In California, federal fisheries regulators are mulling two new plans to save the state’s endangered winter-run Chinook salmon and Delta smelt—plans that could mean serious water shortages for farmers. While this year saw ample rain and snowfall in the northern half of the state, regulators warn that the precipitation wasn’t enough to make up for several years of historic drought.
Court fight over lesser prairie chicken is over
The Justice Department has dropped a court fight over the lesser prairie chicken, a step applauded by Western congressmen but that also prompted criticism about whether the battle is really over, reports McClatchy. The Interior Department listed the bird as a threatened species in 2014, but a federal judge in Texas ruled that the government failed to follow its own rules in making the determination.
Federal judge says government plan to save salmon is a bust
A federal judge ruled that the U.S. government’s attempts to recover Northwest salmon populations, hurt by dams, have failed. “In his ruling, US District Judge Michael Simon in Portland, Ore., lambasted the federal government’s current plan to ameliorate the effects of the dams, saying it violates both the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act,” says The Christian Science Monitor.
EPA study: Pesticides hurting endangered species
Nearly all of the 1,782 animals and plants listed under the Endangered Species Act are at risk from the two most commonly used pesticides, according to a new EPA report.
Eastern monarch butterfly at risk of extinction

The population of the Eastern monarch butterfly declined 84 percent in less than two decades, says a team of researchers.
Lawsuit would force decision on monarch butterflies
Two environmental groups sued the Interior Department to force a decision on listing the monarch butterfly as an endangered species.
Wolves shot in counties on opposite ends of Iowa
Hunters on opposite sides of the state shot two large canines this winter that have been identified conclusively as wolves, says Iowa Ag Connection.
Lawsuit is planned over protection of monarch butterfly
Two environmental groups said they plan to sue the Interior Department to force a decision on whether to protect the monarch butterfly as a "threatened" animal under the Endangered Species Act.
Greater sage-grouse abundant, no risk of extinction
"An unprecedented" public-private effort to preserve habitat for the greater sage-grouse "has significantly reduced threats … across 90 percent of the species' breeding habitat" and obviated any need to protect the fowl under the Endangered Species Act, said the Interior Department.
Interior says it won’t protect greater sage-grouse in Bi-State
Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says the Bi-State population of the greater sage-grouse, found in California and Nevada, does not need protection under the Endangered Species Act.
U.S. plan would improve 8 million acres for sage-grouse
The Agriculture Department announced a four-year plan to nearly double, to 8 million acres, conservation projects in 11 states in the West to improve habitat for the greater sage-grouse.
White House threatens veto of California water bill
Ahead of a House vote scheduled for today, the White House threatened to veto a water bill backed by California Republicans, saying it overrides state water law and the Endangered Species Act, "thereby resulting in conditions that could be detrimental to the Delta fish and other species."
Lawmakers parry green groups on sage grouse listing
Two relatively unknown environmental groups "have increasingly dominated the process of species protection" and prompted a backlash by pro-business Republicans in Congress, says Reuters.