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More biodiesel plants may close in 2024, says ag analyst

Production of biodiesel, the original renewable fuel made from soybean oil, is being squeezed by the boom in renewable diesel, wrote agricultural economist Scott Irwin on Tuesday. "If the losses in 2024 to date continue, more biodiesel plant shutdowns may be in the offing," he said on the farmdoc daily blog.

Small oil refineries pinged with high-priced ethanol credits

The so-called ethanol mandate guarantees the biofuel a share of the gasoline market. Because of this, the Wall Street Journal says "some of the world's biggest oil companies" will see a windfall of more than $1 billion from the sale of renewable fuel credits associated with the mandate.

Mapuche farmers: Argentina’s fracking boom is poisoning us

In the rugged hills of Vaca Muerta, Argentina, the locals says that the drinking water makes them vomit and cripples them with painful headaches. The Mapuche, an indigenous group who live in the area, blame pollution from fracking operations, which inject chemicals, along with sand and water, into the ground to release natural gas, reports BBC.