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TPP talks slow as U.S. wrangles over fast-track voting

Canada and Japan will not wrap up negotiations for the 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership unless the United States can guarantee that Congress will not try to re-write the deal, says Reuters.

Conaway’s committee is “prepared to lead” on repeal of meat-label law

"The House Agriculture Committee is prepared to lead" for repeal of the law requiring country-of-origin labels (COOL) on packages of beef, pork and chicken if the World Trade Organization rejects a final U.S. appeal, said chairman Michael Conaway. The WTO has ruled against the mandatory labels three times and says it intends to rule by May 18 on the last appeal allowed in the case. Canada and Mexico say COOL is a trade barrier in disguise that has reduced shipments of livestock into the United States.

WTO ruling on U.S. meat-label rules expected in mid-May

A WTO panel expects to rule by mid-May on whether the United States violates global trade rules with its requirement for packages of beef, pork and poultry to say where the animals were born, raised and slaughtered, said

Alberta farm had two of Canada’s mad cow cases

Canada's latest case of mad cow disease, reported on Feb. 13, was born on the same farm in Alberta as an animal afflicted with the brain-wasting disease in 2010, says the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Canada reports first mad cow case in four years

The first case of mad cow disease in Canada since 2011 was confirmed in a beef cow in Alberta, according to the Canadian Press. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said he did not expect the discovery to affect beef exports.

Ryan says TPP could exclude Japan or Canada if necessary

The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee says the United States should complete the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement without Japan or Canada if those nations are unwilling to reduce their trade barriers, said Agri-Pulse.

Canada more recalcitrant than Japan on trade, says Vilsack

Canada "has not stepped up" in negotiations for the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. He singled out Ottawa when asked if Japan should be dropped from the discussions because of unwillingness to open its agricultural markets to imports. The question, during a meeting of the CFTC's agricultural advisory committee, came from Paul Penner of the National Association of Wheat Growers.

US appeals WTO ruling against meat-origin labels

The United States filed an appeal at the World Trade Organization against its ruling that U.S. country-of-origin labels on beef, pork and poultry packages are unfair to Canada and Mexico.

Ontario proposes limits on “neonic” pesticides

The provincial government of Ontario proposed a three-point initiative to reduce use of corn and soybean seed treated with neonicotinoid pesticides by 80 percent by 2017, to reduce over-wintering deaths of honeybees by 15 percent by 2020 and to develop a comprehensive plan for pollinator health, says the CBC.

Canada harvests bumper oilseed crops

Canadian farmers harvested their sixth record soybean crop in a row and their second-largest canola crop, said Statistics Canada, with the harvest season over. The canola crop was 11 percent larger than the previous StatsCan estimate in October and was 1 million tonnes more than traders expected. Canola is Canada's major oilseed, at 15.6 million tonnes this year, down from 18 million tonnes last year. Soybeans totaled 6 million tonnes this year, up 13 percent from 2013.

Black barley joins the parade of new, niche crops

Camelina and quinoa, an alliterative pair, are among newcomer crops in North America, says Country Guide, based in Canada, before pointing to black barley, another new specialty crop.

Bird flu in Canada is different strain than in Europe

The avian influenza in British Columbia is H5N2, the same virus that caused previous outbreaks in Canada, says Canadian Press. Officials have quarantined four poultry farms in the Fraser Valley east of Vancouver because of the disease.

Bird flu found in second state in Pacific Northwest

The highly pathogenic H5N8 avian influenza virus was confirmed in a backyard poultry flock in Winston, Oregon, said USDA in a "stakeholder announcement."

Canada quarantines four poultry farms for bird flu

Four turkey and chicken farms in the Fraser Valley east of Vancouver, British Columbia, are under quarantine for avian influenza, says the Toronto Globe and Mail.

Deere sees 10 percent drop in US, Canada equipment sales

The world's largest farm equipment maker, Deere and Co, says, "Equipment net sales in the United States and Canada decreased 10 percent for the quarter and 8 percent for the year" in a report on this year's business.

Agriculture’s top hope for lame duck – revival of tax breaks

Congress is fairly likely during its post-election session to revive a package of tax incentives that expired on Jan 1, said the leaders of the two largest U.S. farm groups. The package includes the $1 a gallon tax credit for biodiesel, tax credits for wind and solar power, and generous write-offs for purchases of equipment and other assets. Bob Stallman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, told reporters the so-called tax extenders package was...

US appeals court rejects re-hearing of challenge to COOL

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia refused to re-hear a meatpacker lawsuit challenging USDA's country-of-origin meat-labeling rules, said Feedstuffs.

Appeal and negotiate on COOL, don’t repeal it, say backers

The United States should appeal an adverse WTO ruling on country-of-origin labels on beef, pork and chicken meat, said four farm and consumer groups.

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