Commerce orders anti-dumping duties on biodiesel imports
Argentina has requested negotiations with the United States on a "suspension" agreement that would avoid imposition of stiff U.S. anti-dumping duties on its biodiesel exports, said the Commerce Department. The negotiations were announced at the same time the department ordered anti-dumping duties of up to 70 percent on the fuel.
Mexico sees trade deal with Argentina on ag products by end of year
Mexico’s deputy trade minister, Juan Carlos Baker, said that a trade agreement with Argentina involving cars and agricultural products could be completed by the end of this year.
Record world corn production forecast despite U.S. retreat
A surge in corn production in Brazil and Argentina will power the world to a record harvest in 2017/18, said the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in forecasting bin-busting output of cereal crops in the upcoming season. "Combined with prospects of relatively weak growth in utilization, another large output is set to keep world cereal stocks at near-record level."
Mapuche farmers: Argentina’s fracking boom is poisoning us
In the rugged hills of Vaca Muerta, Argentina, the locals says that the drinking water makes them vomit and cripples them with painful headaches. The Mapuche, an indigenous group who live in the area, blame pollution from fracking operations, which inject chemicals, along with sand and water, into the ground to release natural gas, reports BBC.
Rural Argentineans say massive increase in glyphosate is making them sick
In Argentina, the use of glyphosate increased 1,000 percent between 1994 and 2010, as soybean farmers fought off resistant weeds, says the BBC. With large amounts of the herbicide still being applied to fields, some experts think that it may be responsible for a surge in health problems among rural residents.
Rising prices will attract largest-ever U.S. soy plantings, analysts say

When USDA releases its annual Acreage report today, analysts expect it will show the largest U.S. soybean plantings on record, as growers pare back on corn to pursue rising prices for soybeans on the futures markets. Bad weather damaged the soybean crop in South America and created an unexpected opening for U.S. farmers to make some money three years after the collapse of the agricultural boom.
Argentina and Monsanto settle squabble over soybeans
Agriculture Minister Ricardo Buryaile said the Argentine government will oversee testing of soybean crops in an agreement to assure Monsanto that its genetically engineered seeds are not being pirated, said Reuters. Monsanto, the largest seed company in the world, had threatened to stop selling its seed in Argentina, the No. 3 soy producer, because of the dispute.
Harvest-time rain cuts Argentine soy crop 15 percent
The Argentine weather agency says the late-season rains that swamped the soybean harvest have reduced the crop by 9 million tonnes, or 15 percent, said Reuters.
Argentina cuts ag-export taxes
The newly inaugurated president of Argentina, Maurico Macri, carried out a campaign promise by eliminating export taxes on corn, wheat and beef and cutting the soybean tax 5 percentage points.
Global milk production to fall slightly as market prices soften
Does Big Data mean bigger farms or surviving thin margins?
With 20,000 acres, Indiana farmer Kip Tom "harvests the staples of modern agriculture: seed corn, feed corn, soybeans and data," says the New York Times.
Drought dims outlook for Brazil’s soybean crop
Brazil's soybean belt is critically short of rainfall, in the view of consultancy Oil World, which sees a harvest of 89 million tonnes this season, said AgriMoney.
Argentina may create a grain company of its own, says report
The Argentinian news portal Infobae says the government is considering whether to create a grain company of its own to compete with the multinational exporters - Cargill, ADM, Bunge and Dreyfus - who dominate farm exports, says AgroSouth News.
More biodiesel in South America constrains soybean oil exports
Biodiesel production is booming in Brazil and Argentina and will put a pinch on exports of soybean oil, the feedstock for making the biofuel, says the Agriculture Department. Biodiesel is forecast to consume one-third of soy oil in the two countries during this marketing year, double the amount that was used six years ago. "In contrast, exports are forecast to fall from more than half of total use to just over 40 percent over the same period," said USDA'S "Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade" report. Brazil and Argentina are the largest soybean producers in the world after the United States.
Argentina corn plantings may drop by 25 percent
Experts say corn plantings could fall by as much as 25 percent in the new season because of the difficulties in obtaining financing, says