Challenge to biofuel mandate in the offing
Farm, biofuel and biotech groups petitioned the U.S. appeals court in Washington to hear a challenge to the EPA's relaxation of the renewable fuel mandate for this year, reports DTN.
Few cases of excess pesticide residue in food
The U.S. food supply is generally free of dangerous levels of pesticide residue, according to federal monitors who looked at fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, oats, rice, infant formula, and salmon in 2014.
Huelskamp says he’ll be back on House Ag panel
Kansas Rep. Tim Huelskamp lost his seat on the House Agriculture Committee in 2012 for defying Republican leaders, and is challenged in the GOP primary as an ineffective rabble-rouser. "The three-term congressman says he's now confident he will regain his Agriculture post by the next Congress," says National Journal in sizing up the race.
Bush proposes elimination of food stamps

The government's web of social-assistance programs should be converted into a block grant run by states, said former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in proposing broad welfare reform: "I will eliminate failing, ineffective programs including the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly called food stamps), housing assistance programs and the nation’s cash welfare program (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF)."
Vilsack to convene GMO food-label meeting this week

With Congress at an impasse on GMO labeling, the food industry and labeling activists will look for common ground at a session convened by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.
Cottonseed subsidy may require congressional action

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said he wants to help cotton growers deal with the lowest market prices in seven years, but "there are some serious legal issues involved" in the cotton industry's request for subsidy payments on cottonseed.
African nations warm to GMO crops
The El Niño-intensified drought in southern Africa "could nudge African nations to finally embrace genetically modified crops to improve harvests and reduce grain imports," says Reuters.
A bird-flu vaccine that many producers don’t want
The government is stockpiling up to 500 million doses of vaccine against highly pathogenic avian influenza in the wake of the worst-ever U.S. epidemic of bird flu that killed nearly 50 million fowl. "But many in the $48 billion [poultry] industry don't want it," reports Bloomberg.
‘Neonic’ seed coating ineffective against late-emerging soy pests
Neonicotinoid pesticides are used as a seed treatment on 80 percent of corn land and 40 percent of soybean acreage in the United States, says Purdue U in releasing a publication that assesses the pesticides value in soybeans.
Campbell Soup supports mandatory GMO food labels

One of America's best-known food companies, Campbell Soup, said it "will advocate for federal legislation that would require all foods and beverages regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to be clearly and simply labeled for GMOs." With the decision, Campbell is the first major foodmaker to support mandatory nationwide labeling.
Dietary Guidelines put spotlight on added sugars

For the first time, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends a limit on consumption of added sugars - no more than 10 percent of daily calories. The language is part of "key recommendations" in the 2015-2020 Guidelines and is in step with a World Health Organization guideline. "There's a huge opportunity here," said an HHS official because 13 percent of calories in the American diet are added sugars; as much as 17 percent for children and teenagers.
World food prices tumble by 19 percent in 2015
Mammoth supplies and sluggish economic growth pushed down prices of the major food commodities - grain, dairy, meat, vegetable oils and sugar - by a combined average of 19 percent in 2015, said the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
“Right to farm” amendment proposed for Nebraska constitution
State Sen. John Kuehn proposed a constitutional amendment for Nebraska to guarantee farming and ranching rights, said Associated Press. It would require state officials to show a compelling state interest if they want to restrict agricultural technology and livestock production.
U.S., South Africa resolve meat trade dispute
South Africa has agreed to remove barriers to U.S. poultry, beef and pork, said U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman. The United States threatened at the end of 2015 to revoke duty-free status for agricultural products from South Africa because it blocked U.S. meat. "The true test of our success will be based on the ability of South African consumers to buy American product in local stores," said Froman.
Food waste shifts natural predators
Huge amounts of food are discarded each year, but "hardly anyone talks about what all that food waste is doing to wildlife," says Yale e360. The story points to "a growing body of evidence suggests that our casual attitude about waste may be reshaping the way the natural world functions across much of the planet.
Chinese farmers jump the gun on GMO corn
Even though China has not approved cultivation of GMO crops, environmental group Greenpeace says farmers in the northeastern part of the country are growing the crop illegally, said Reuters.
Droughts and heat waves are worse than floods for crop losses
Researchers say that over a four-decade period ending in 2007, the world lost a tenth of its cereal grain crops, such as rice, wheat and corn, due to droughts, heat waves and other extreme weather, reports the New York Times.
New Dietary Guidelines endorse lean meat, warn against added sugars

The new edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans will be released today, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. He declined to discuss the contents of the report, which distills the government's advice about healthy diets, or how it would be released.
‘Neonic’ pesticide is risk to honeybees, says EPA assessment

Imidacloprid, a widely used neonicotinoid pesticide, is a potential threat to honeybee hives as well as individual bees when used on crops that attract pollinators, the EPA said in a preliminary risk assessment.
Decision soon on ‘complicated’ request for cottonseed oil subsidy

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said he is looking at every factor, including trade rules and budgetary effects, in the cotton industry's request that he declare cottonseed oil eligible for the same subsidies offered to grains and soybeans.