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Drought deepens in Pacific Northwest, heat blamed in fish kill

Topsoil and subsoil moisture levels continue to decline in the Pacific Northwest, where streamflows have shriveled to record or near-record lows, says the weekly Drought Monitor.

White House threatens veto of California water bill

Ahead of a House vote scheduled for today, the White House threatened to veto a water bill backed by California Republicans, saying it overrides state water law and the Endangered Species Act, "thereby resulting in conditions that could be detrimental to the Delta fish and other species."

Manage wildlife to reduce bird-flu risk, USDA tells producers

In a new flyer on biosecurity, the USDA tells poultry producers, "The addition of simple wildlife management practices around your farm" can enhance the biosecurity shield against avian influenza.

Waterfowl population plunges in California drought

A state survey shows a 30-percent drop in the population of breeding waterfowl in California in one year due to drought and poor habitat, says the Sacramento Bee.

USDA announces soil, water, wildlife project for Red River

The government will spend up to $50 million over five years to reduce flooding and improve water quality, soil health,and wildlife habitat in the Red River of the North basin. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the project at Moorhead, Minn, across the Red River from Fargo, ND.

Broader program to preserve Southwestern willow flycatcher

The Agriculture and Interior departments unveiled an eco-system-wide program to enhance habitat for threatened and endangered species in the U.S. Southwest.

First Conservation Reserve signup since 2013 is set

The USDA announced the first general signup for the Conservation Reserve, which pays landowners an annual rent to idle fragile cropland for at least 10 years, since the 2014 farm law limited the reserve to a maximum of 24 million acres.

California leaders propose $1 billion in drought relief

Gov. Jerry Brown and California legislative leaders proposed a $1 billion drought-relief package as the state enters its fourth year of drought. The pair of bills includes $128 million to alleviate the impact of drought...

Groups want more USDA attention on water quality, wildlife

A rare coalition of grain processors, conservationists and clean-water groups asked the Agriculture Department to dedicate one-third of the Conservation Reserve to buffer strips, windbreaks and other practices that protect water quality and wildlife habitat.

Lawmakers to POTUS: “Be bold” to protect monarch butterfly

In a letter, 52 House Democrats asked President Obama to "be bold" and protect the monarch butterfly under the Endangered Species Act, "the last, best chance to save this amazing species and its incredible migration."

Obama mentions farm use while discussing drone rules

In a CNN interview, President Obama called for regulations for drones to ensure "that we get the good and minimize the bad." The president commented one day after a two-foot wide drone crashed on the White House grounds.

USDA conservation program “misses the mark”-farm groups

The biggest USDA conservation program, the Conservation Stewardship Program, slights ongoing work by farmers in favor of operators who are new to the program or agree to take on additional land, water and wildlife work, say two small-farm groups.

USDA funds $370 million in projects from dead zones to birds

Swamped by proposals, USDA selected 115 "high impact" projects to receive $370 million in funding in the initial awards through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program. The projects range from improving habitat for endangered birds to preventing a "dead zone" in Long Island Sound and reducing runoff in the lush wheat-growing Palouse regionof the Pacific Northwest. Federal funds will be matched by $400 million from "partners" that include governmental units and conservation groups such as Ducks Unlimited.

Thirsty almond trees and parched wildlife in California

California is the world's largest grower of almonds, with trees on 860,000 acres, a crop that be imperiled especially in the drought now entering its fourth year, says the New York Times.

USDA retools its working-lands conservation program

The Agriculture Department unveiled revisions in the Conservation Stewardship Program to reflect the directions of the 2014 farm law and invited public comments on its proposals.

Wildlife-friendly fences with USDA support

USDA to offer a renewal of CSP contracts

Landowners enrolled in the Conservation Stewardship Program, which pays farmers to practice soil, water and wildlife conservation as part of their daily operations, will have two months to apply for a renewal of their contract, says a USDA bulletin.

Making conservation pay in dollars to farmers

It's well-known that agricultural practices can affect soil fertility, water quality, wildlife populations and pest numbers for good or bad.

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