Wholesome Wave
Food activist Gus Schumacher dies; former state, USDA official
A food activist with roots on a Massachusetts farm, Gus Schumacher had a hand in the creation of an antihunger movement that helps poor people buy more fruits and vegetables while boosting the income of local farmers. The executive vice president of nonprofit Wholesome Wave, Schumacher died Monday; he was in his late 70s.
The vegetable prescription
An innovative program combats obesity by helping families buy fruits and vegetables, says the New York Times, in describing the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program, being tested at four hospitals in New York City.
Pedaling a story from farm to fork
Photographer Glenn Charles made 40 stops on a 16-day bicycle trip from Bridgeport, Conn, to Portland, Me, to follow fresh food from the field to the table.