wheat exports
U.S. Wheat taps Peterson for its president
When U.S. Wheat Associates began looking for a new president, its search committee decided to look within the industry. In the end, the organization found its candidate inside its own ranks — Vince Peterson, its vice president of overseas operations.
Rogue GMO wheat found in Washington state; third U.S. discovery since April 2013

Genetically engineered wheat, developed by Monsanto but not approved for sale, was confirmed growing in the wild for the third time in a little more than three years, said the Agriculture Department, this time in a fallow field in Washington state.
Saudi Arabia boosts its stake in Canadian grain marketer
The agricultural arm of Saudi Arabia's state-owned Public Investment Fund is now the largest private investor in grain handler G3 Canada, the descendant of the Canadian Wheat Board, says Reuters.
As wheat price falls, U.S. makes progress in export race

U.S. wheat exports are forecast for 900 million bushels this year, "up significantly from the previous year's depressed total," says USDA's monthly WASDE report. The United States would rank third among the wheat-exporting nations of the world, trailing the EU and Russia, and a step ahead of last year's fourth-place finish.