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McDonald’s reneges on wage promise

McDonald’s has failed to comply with a 2015 promise to raise workers’ wages, organizers say. The chain had said that it would raise its workers’ hourly pay to at least one dollar above minimum wage.

Consolidation may be factor in low rural wages

As farms got bigger over the years, so did the equipment that farms use to cover the land. Farm equipment dealerships also got bigger, buying or pushing out competitors, and that may explain the problem of stagnant wages in rural areas: When there are fewer employers, wages show less growth, reports the New York Times.

Higher wages aren’t enough to fill farm labor jobs formerly held by immigrants

California farms are becoming the testing ground for the argument that wages and job prospects for American workers will improve when undocumented immigrants are not available. "So far, the results aren't encouraging for farmers or domestic workers," says the Los Angeles Times, despite offers of higher pay.

Uneven outcome for farmworkers in Baja California

A 12-week strike by farmworkers in the San Quintin Valley of Baja California, 200 miles south of San Diego, disrupted produce markets across North America and forced concessions from powerful agribusinesses a year ago.