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U.S. suspends trade engagement with Burma in wake of coup

USTR nominee says he will give priority to agriculture trade

President Trump's nominee for U.S. trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, said at his confirmation hearing that he will follow Trump's "America first" policy. Reminded by farm-state senators of the importance of exports to the agricultural economy, Lighthizer responded, "I assure you we will prioritize agriculture," reported DTN.

South Africa to resume imports of U.S. chicken meat

South Africa to resume imports of U.S. bone-in chicken meat, "initially 65,000 tonnes a year, under an agreement reach by the two countries," said Reuters.

US and Japan to meet on agriculture market access

U.S. and Japanese officials are to discuss agriculture market access issues this week in Tokyo. Market access has become a major obstacle to a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement involving...

Senators urge more market opening by Japan

Eighteen US senators sign letter to USTR Michael Froman saying United States should press Japan to increase market access for US farm exports.