USDA reorganization
Iowa senators see deadlock over Northey and ethanol

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is sitting on the nomination of Bill Northey for USDA undersecretary in hopes of winning destructive changes in U.S. ethanol policy, said Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley during a telephone news conference.
Small-farm group proposes $50,000 limit on premium subsidies for crop insurance
The Nebraska-based Center for Rural Affairs says the 2018 farm bill should improve USDA land stewardship programs, expand programs for rural economic development and beginning farmers, and target crop insurance toward small and medium-sized farms.
A road bump, maybe a roadblock, for USDA reorganization

Some of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue's sweeping changes to USDA's organizational chart will need a congressional green light, the leaders of the Senate Agriculture Committee said in a letter asserting the Senate's advise-and-consent role in federal appointments. The committee leaders said Perdue cannot change the duties of his senior policymakers until Congress passes a law that codifies their new titles and responsibilities.
USDA rural leader mum about funds needed for economic growth

Some 46 million people live in rural America, scattered across 72 percent of the U.S. landmass, and conditions in many rural communities “are incredibly challenging,” said Anne Hazlett, recently installed as head of the USDA’s rural economic development programs. During a Senate Agriculture Committee hearing, Hazlett agreed that “resources will be needed” for rural growth but deflected questions about whether more federal dollars should go into the programs.
USDA considers consolidating some offices with other departments
When "USDA" and "co-location of offices" appear in the same sentence, it usually means there's a proposal to consolidate USDA's local operations, particularly crop subsidy and land stewardship, into the same building. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue talked about co-location at the Iowa Ag Summit, but he meant a central location for handling permits from the USDA, Interior Department and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, reports Agri-Pulse.
New interim USDA team looks a lot like the original interim team

In the second step of reorganizing the USDA’s executive portfolios, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue named three acting deputy undersecretaries to oversee the department’s ag export, crop subsidy, and forestry arms until Trump administration nominees report to work.
With new rural development leader, Perdue puts USDA reorganization into gear

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue has put the first reorganization of the USDA in a generation into action by hiring an assistant, who will be based in his office, to oversee rural economic development efforts.
Realtors, key Senate Democrats oppose Perdue on rural development office

A month ago, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue unveiled a USDA reorganization plan that creates a new sub-cabinet post, undersecretary for trade, and eliminates the position of undersecretary for rural development. Now two key Senate Democrats have appealed to Perdue to retain the rural development slot.
Perdue says he’ll put a ‘go-to person’ in charge of rural development

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue told lawmakers he wants an active hand in rural economic development — an element of his reorganization of USDA — but he'll put "a go-to person" in charge of running the programs. "That person will be Senate confirmed in that area," as an assistant secretary, said Perdue; a post that small-farm advocates say will be inferior to the undersecretary now in charge.
‘I don’t cage too well,’ folksy Perdue tells USDA employees
In his first hour at his new workplace, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue took off his coat and tie and rolled up his sleeves, telling USDA employees at a welcoming ceremony, "I was a farmer first." During a 20-minute speech, Perdue repeatedly likened USDA to a family and said he might roam USDA's mammoth headquarters complex, covering three city blocks, to drop in offices and learn the details of agricultural programs.
Vilsack on USDA reorganization: It’s complicated
The first reorganization of the Agriculture Department in a generation may have to wait for the president who takes office in 15 months, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told reporters. "It is not a simple matter. It is rather complex." Congress mandated the creation of an new USDA post, undersecretary for trade, in the 2014 farm law to give American agriculture more muscle in dealing with other nations.