University of Florida
‘Agriculture’ is the missing word in science museums
"You're not likely to find the word 'agriculture' in any science museum even though many exhibits relate to agricultural content or practices," says U-Florida, summarizing a study by assistant professor Katie Stofer of 29 science museums with an annual budget of at least $10 million and than 200,000 visitors.
Plant breeders aim for more flavorful strawberry
"On the agronomical trip to market, strawberries have lost some of their flavor," says Wired, noting the adjustments made over the decades to produce a bright-colored, slick-skinned, large-sized berry that is easy to pick and stays in condition.
Florida ag sees competitor where US ag sees Cuban market

While U.S. farm groups see Cuba as a natural, nearby market for exports, growers in Florida worry that Cuba will be a competitor in agriculture, says the Miami Herald. Janell Hendren of the Florida Farm Bureau told the Herald, "You can't lift the [trade] embargo without increasing imports from Cuba to the United States. And we are very concerned with imports." Agricultural economist William Messina at U-Florida says Cuba and Florida grow many of the same products - sugar, citrus, vegetables, tropical fruit and fish.
Dietary Guidelines committee scrutinizes food sustainability
The panel writing the new edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans - the government's tips for healthy eating - is wading into the question of food systems sustainability.