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U.S. economy

Economic recovery will be stronger than expected, says CBO

U.S. economy slows as corn and soy output soar, according to USDA projection

With a return to normal weather, farmers will expand vastly their corn and soybean plantings next year — enough to produce their largest corn crop ever and the fourth-largest soybean crop, according to USDA's agricultural projections. Bumper crops will drive down market prices in the near term and create huge stockpiles that will take years to whittle down.

Farm sector in Plains is in ‘prolonged downturn,’ says Kansas City Fed chief

U.S. economic growth is likely to slow this year after a strong expansion in 2018, said Esther George, president of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank on Tuesday. In a speech, George pointed to emerging stress throughout the economy and said in the Plains, "the farm sector is in a prolonged downturn as a result of declining agricultural prices, made worse by retaliatory tariffs on U.S. farm products."