Trans-Pacific Partnership
U.S. and Japan agree on agricultural market openings
U.S.-Canada tensions rise over agricultural trade
The United States is frustrated with Canada "because it believes Ottawa promised greater foreign access to its dairy and poultry markets as a condition of joining" the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks, "and yet has offered nothing," reports the Toronto Globe and Mail.
Abe: “Japan’s agriculture has to change now”

Japan and the United States are close to an agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, said Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in a speech to Congress that pointed to his domestic agricultural reforms. Automobiles and agriculture have been two major and long-lasting issues in TPP negotiations. The free-trade pact would include 12 countries and 40 percent of the global economy.
TPP talks slow as U.S. wrangles over fast-track voting
Canada and Japan will not wrap up negotiations for the 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership unless the United States can guarantee that Congress will not try to re-write the deal, says Reuters.
U.S. challenges Indonesia at WTO over food-import barriers
The United States and New Zealand asked the World Trade Organization to rule that Indonesia unfairly restricts imports of fruits, vegetables and animal products, based on regulations imposed in 2012.
Japan lowers its target for food self-sufficiency
Japan, the largest Asian importer of corn, beef and pork, has lowered its target for food self-sufficiency to 45 percent by 2026 from the current 50 percent, said Bloomberg.
US releases plan to combat illegal fishing, seafood fraud
A presidential task force released its plan to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and seafood fraud, including a risk-based traceability system to track seafood from harvest to entry into U.S. commerce, said a Commerce Department announcement.
U.S. and Japan meet again on TPP, outcome unclear
Japan and the United States resumed talks on the 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership trade pact, "but the outcome of the negotiations remains unclear with political difficulties mounting for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and indications of growing opposition in the United States," says Japan Times.
Path for African food security entails larger U.S. food and ag trade
While the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership and U.S.-EU trade pacts get the headlines, the African Growth and Opportunity Act also is due for action this year.
White House announces steps to boost rural exports

The Obama administration announced eight steps to boost exports by rural businesses, including "reverse trade missions" that bring foreign business officials into the United States as well as an effort to double the number of rural businesses that take part in traditional trade missions overseas. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the announcement was the result of workshops held over the past year in rural America.
Ryan says TPP could exclude Japan or Canada if necessary
The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee says the United States should complete the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement without Japan or Canada if those nations are unwilling to reduce their trade barriers, said Agri-Pulse.
Japan is willing to reduce beef and pork tariffs, reports say
Japanese news media reported that the government would reduce its high import tariffs on beef and pork and relax slightly its restrictions on U.S. rice imports as part of the proposed 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership trade pact, said Reuters.
Froman says “good progress” with Japan on ag and autos
The 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership for free trade could be wrapped up within months, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman told lawmakers.
Livestock, poultry groups ask Congress to approve TPA
Groups representing U.S. cattle, hog and poultry producers urged lawmakers to approve rules that assure trade agreements will get a yes-or-no vote with no amendments.
U.S. and Japan meet again on farm and automobile trade
Trade officials from Japan and the United States opened a new round of talks in Tokyo on two sticking points, agriculture and autombiles, in negotiations for the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, said the Kyodo news service.
Ag negotiator sees “a lot of momentum” for TPP

The chief U.S. agricultural trade negotiator said there was "a lot of momentum" toward a Trans-Pacific Partnership pact after months of delays. The chief negotiators from the 12 TPP nations are in Washington this week, said Darci Vetter, of the U.S. Trade Representative's office. "We hope and think we will be closing this agreement soon." Vetter told the Farm Journal Forum that only the most sensitive products were left on the table, items that may need ministerial action.
Canada more recalcitrant than Japan on trade, says Vilsack

Canada "has not stepped up" in negotiations for the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. He singled out Ottawa when asked if Japan should be dropped from the discussions because of unwillingness to open its agricultural markets to imports. The question, during a meeting of the CFTC's agricultural advisory committee, came from Paul Penner of the National Association of Wheat Growers.
Japan election puts cloud over farm-sector reform
In a blow to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's plans for economic reform, including agriculture policy, his party's candidate for governor in heavily agricultural Saga prefecture was defeated in weekend elections.