Trans-Pacific Partnership
Leading parties back supply management in Canada elections
Canadians vote today for members of Parliament, with agriculture playing a minor role at best in elections that will determine if the Conservative Party's nine-year run is over.
Froman: TPP to bring ‘significant export opportunities’ for dairy

The proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact will create "significant export opportunities" for U.S. dairy products, said U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, and will not damage the sugar sector. During a teleconference organized by the White House, Froman repeatedly cited TPP benefits for agriculture. When a reporter described the sugar and dairy sections of TPP as "basically a wash" between greater access to overseas markets while introducing additional competition at home, Froman said on dairy, "We believe we got a good balance."
At USDA, Obama launches TPP ratification drive

President Obama traveled to the Agriculture Department headquarters on the national Mall to seek support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, one day after the pact was sealed and months before Congress will vote on it. "We are going to be talking not just to members of Congress but the American public and various constituencies, and governors, and mayors who are represented here about why this is good for their communities," Obama said.
U.S. groups detail benefits, or lack of them, in 12-nation TPP

The newly concluded Trans-Pacific Partnership will remove sales barriers from nations that buy $63 billion worth of U.S. farm exports, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Almost as soon as accord was announced in Atlanta, completing five years of negotiations, U.S. farm groups focused on its benefits - or lack of them - for Americans.
TPP negotiators resolve dairy dispute, reach accord
Negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact covering 40 percent of the global economy focused on dairy and drugs in the final drive by ministers from the 12 nations for an agreement. They planned a two-day meeting last week but stayed on in Atlanta with hopes of an accord today.
Ag minister says Canada will cover farmers’ TPP-related losses
Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said Canada would compensate farmers for any losses resulting from the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, said Reuters, with negotiations underway in Atlanta.
Japan considers a new offer on rice imports at TPP
"A source close to the matter" says "Japan is considering sweetening the pot for U.S. rice farmers" when trade ministers meet today in Atlanta in a renewed attempt to wrap up negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bloc, reports Kyodo.
Canada’s trade minister will be shadowed at TPP talks
The agriculture ministers of Quebec and Ontario will shadow Canadian Trade Minister Ed Fast at trade talks in Atlanta as a reminder that the government promised to preserve the integrity of Canada's dairy supply management system, says Canadian Press.
Dairy farmers, worried by TPP, protest outside Canada debate
Dairy farmers from Quebec brought two cows and their vocal opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bloc to the broadcast debate in Montreal of leaders of Canada's five major political parties, said CBC News.
Japan offers annual rise in duty-free U.S. rice
With Trans-Pacific Partnership talks at a crucial point, Japan plans to offer immediate duty-free entry for 50,000 tonnes of U.S. rice, gradually rising to 70,000 tonnes, says Nikkei.
Quebec farmers, center of syrup production, set world prices
The Canadian province of Quebec produces more than 70 percent of the world supply of maple syrup, and a government-backed "cartel," the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Poducers, controls prices, reports the New York Times.
USDA asks sugar industry to support TPP
Agriculture Undersecretary Micheal Scuse asked the sugar industry at its summer meeting to support the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, reports DTN.
Dairy tariffs help snarl 12-nation trade talks
Trade ministers from the 12 nations in the Trans-Pacific Partnership covering 40 percent of the global economy say they will "continue work on resolving a limited number of remaining issues" that prevented a final agreement in Hawaii.
At TPP, Canada discusses allowing more dairy imports
At the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks in Hawaii, "Canada has begun discussions with the United States on allowing more foreign dairy products into the Canadian market – among the thorniest issues for Ottawa" in the negotiations, says the Toronto Globe and Mail.
In Hawaii, TPP question is breakthrough or break down?
Trade officials from the 12 nations involved in Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations are in Hawaii in hopes of reaching final agreement on a free-trade pact encompassing 40 percent of world economic outlook, says Politico.
As TPP endgame nears, major differences persist for U.S. and Canada
Only days away from a meeting of trade ministers to try to wrap up the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership pact, Canada and the United States are at odds over access to Canada's dairy and poultry market.
Japan offers less access to rice market than U.S. wants
Japanese media say Tokyo "is prepared to increase its import quota for U.S. rice by 50,000 tonnes a year, about a quarter of the U.S. goal, Reuters said at the end of bilateral talks between trade negotiators.
Canadian ag groups stand by supply management
Farm groups in Canada suspect they will face unfair competition from U.S. dairy and poultry producers if the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement opens the border to U.S. imports, says Commodity News Service, based in Winnipeg.
Ag purchases are a test of Chinese credibility, says Vilsack
Speaking to a farm conference, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said China's adherence to its commitment to buy mammoth quantities of U.S. farm exports will be a test of the Asian nation's place in global relations. While China has buoyed commodity prices with its purchases, it is not on track to meet the goal of importing $43.6 billion worth of U.S. food, agricultural, and seafood products by the end of December.