Tom Colicchio
Tom Colicchio: A chef’s journey
Tom Colicchio, the restaurateur and lead judge on Top Chef, traces his interest in cooking from crabbing with his grandfather to his revelatory discovery of Jacques Pépin’s La Technique as a teenager. From there Colicchio went on to celebrity chefdom and later became a leader in food-policy reform. He describes this journey in FERN's latest piece, published as part of a special food issue with Switchyard, a new magazine from the University of Tulsa.
Tom Colicchio, co-founder of Food Policy Action, resigns from its board
Celebrity chef Tom Colicchio has resigned from the board of Food Policy Action, which he co-founded in 2012 as the lobbying arm of the food movement on U.S. food and ag policy. Colicchio said on Instagram that he would “continue to do the work of championing a more just and equitable food system in everything I do and from every platform available to me.”
Tom Colicchio: ‘We ought to celebrate’ federal GMO law

The food movement "ought to celebrate" the federal law that will require disclosure of GMO ingredients in food instead of wishing for a complete victory, said Tom Colicchio, co-founder of the activist group Food Policy Action, during a pre-election webinar. FPA has targeted three lawmakers for defeat as backers of "rotten food policies."
“Food stories are everywhere,” says MSNBC’s Tom Colicchio
Chef and food activist Tom Colicchio achieved celebrity on the TV show "Top Chef" and now is food correspondent for MSNBC.