summer EBT

Why are GOP governors taking food out of children’s mouths?

In FERN’s latest story, published with Mother Jones, Bryce Covert explores why 15 states are refusing to participate in Summer EBT, a new federal program that gives poor families with children money for groceries during the summer when they can’t get meals at school.

Summer EBT to provide $2.5 billion in grocery assistance

Roughly seven of every 10 school-age children will be included in the new Summer EBT program, which is expected to disburse $2.5 billion in its first year of operation, said the Agriculture Department on Wednesday.

Half of states have summer EBT plans — USDA

An estimated 13 million children in 25 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico will receive benefits through the summer EBT program, said the Agriculture Department on Monday. Families of eligible children typically receive $391 per child for the summer.