Waiting for Senate to vote on tax extenders package
The so-called tax extenders package, to retroactively revive more than 50 tax breaks for 2014, may be one of the last items of business for the Senate this week.
“Tax extenders” is issue for lame-duck Congress

A "top priority" for action in the post-election session of Congress is reauthorization of tax incentives that expired on Jan 1, said Iowa Sen Chuck Grassley.
Agriculture’s top hope for lame duck – revival of tax breaks

Congress is fairly likely during its post-election session to revive a package of tax incentives that expired on Jan 1, said the leaders of the two largest U.S. farm groups. The package includes the $1 a gallon tax credit for biodiesel, tax credits for wind and solar power, and generous write-offs for purchases of equipment and other assets. Bob Stallman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, told reporters the so-called tax extenders package was...