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Salty irrigation water is a peril for California almond growers

The drought in California is creating an unexpected threat to the state's almond growers. Water drawn from wells on the west side of Central California is high in salt, says Valley Public Radio in Fresno, which could adversely affect crop yields.

Scientists find gene that helps soybeans to tolerate salinity

A collaboration between researchers in Australia and China identified a gene that allows the soybean plant to better tolerate soil salinity, says the University of Adelaide.

Quinoa, from the Andes to the Persian Gulf

The United Arab Emirates, after successful field trials in 2014, is working with its farmers to establish quinoa as a commercial crop on the Arabian peninsula, says Food Navigator.

California’s largest lake, Salton Sea, may shrink by half

The Salton Sea, created just over a century ago, "is now in danger of shrinking by half," says the Los Angeles Times. At 370 square miles it is the largest lake in California.