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rural America

The intersection of higher education and rural development

The new issue of Choices, the magazine of agricultural economists, discusses the possible role of higher education and the extension service as elements for rural renaissance. In the Farm Belt, the connection between university and farmer, facilitated by extension, is well-known for boosting agricultural productivity. Yet, agriculture no longer dominates the rural economy.

Rural poverty an enduring problem

Discussion of poverty often focuses "on the 'culture' of poor urban residents," says front page story in New York Times. "Almost forgotten is how many ways poverty plays out in America, and how much long-term poverty is a rural problem."

Rural America loses population, again

Nearly 15 percent of Americans live in nonmetropolitan counties, also known as rural areas, a total of 46.2 mln people in 2013.

Ten RECs get $4.4 billion in New ERA clean energy funding

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced $4.37 billion in grants and loans to 10 rural electric cooperatives on Thursday for clean energy projects that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 1.1 million tons a year. With the awards, the USDA has allocated nearly $9 billion of the $9.7 billion available in the Empowering Rural America program.

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