U.S. allows imports from private businesses in Cuba
The Obama administration "opened the door for Cuba's small-business community to export goods and services" to U.S. customers, says Politico.
FDA Commissioner Hamburg says will leave agency in March
Margaret Hamburg, head of the FDA for six years, says she will step down as commissioner at the end of March. She announced the decision in a letter to employees, in which she praised the FDA's accomplishments...
US-Cuba normalization expected to bring larger farm exports
Normalization of U.S.-Cuba relations, announced by President Obama, will include easier terms for selling U.S. food and agricultural equipment to the island nation, long viewed by farm groups as a natural and nearby market.
Senate Agriculture panel gets four new Republican members
Republicans named four new members to the Senate Agriculture Committee, effective with the new legislative session beginning in January - David Perdue of Georgia, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Ben Sasse of Nebraska - when the GOP becomes the majority party.
Senate ag panelist Heitkamp may run for governor-Politico
North Dakota Sen Heidi Heitkamp, elected in 2012 and a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, is among three Democrats who may run for governor in 2016 rather than seek re-election to the Senate in 2018, says Politico.
New White House nutrition advisor must be ready to rumble
With the departure of nutrition policy advisor Sam Kass, who also was personal chef for the Obama family, the administration "is set to lose its behind-the-scenes food policy general at the end of the month, right as a Republican Congress plans an assault...
Co-founder of FoodCorps will lead Let’s Move! initiative
The White House named Debra Eschmeyer, co-founder of FoodCorps, as the new executive director of the Let's Move! initiative of First Lady Michelle Obama against childhood obesity.
Omnibus bill relaxes whole grain, salt rules for school food

Congress would relax rules that call for schools to use more whole grains and to reduce salt in meals provided to students, according to provisions of a government-wide funding bill. Unveiled on Tuesday night, the bill also calls for USDA to study the nutritional content of vegetables available in the so-called WIC program before removing any of them from the program - a response to complaints that white potatoes were being singled out unfairly.
House to vote on one-year revival of tax incentives
The House could vote as early as Wednesday on a one-year retroactive renewal of tax breaks that expired at the start of this year, says Politico. The four dozen incentives include the $1 a gallon biodiesel tax credit, a wind power credit and the $500,000 business deduction for new equipment.
Thirty nations restrict US poultry due to bird flu in Northwest
Thirty countries, including Canada, Mexico and Japan, have imposed restrictions or a total ban on imports of poultry from the U.S. Northwest following discovery of a highly pathogenic avian influenza in Oregon and Washington state last month, says Politico.
Child nutrition rules “in play” as spending bill is written
During negotiations over a long-term spending bill, "(c)hild nutrition standards backed by First Lady Michelle Obama were in play," says Politico.
For food and agriculture, a lengthy to-do list for Congress

Congress is to open its new, two-year session on Tuesday with a hefty list of food and agriculture policy issues already on the agenda for lawmakers. The "to do" list includes reauthorization of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and federal child nutrition programs such as school lunch and WIC, proposals for federal pre-emption of states in labeling foods made with genetically modified organisms, attempts to block EPA from completing its...
Chefs stir up nutrition policy in Congress
The Chef Action Network is on the same page with Food Policy Action, says Politico. Both are recent creations with a food-movement orientation and both hope to influence lawmakers.
House panel formally sets hearing on GMO labeling
The House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on health scheduled a hearing for next Wednesday on labeling of GMO foods. The session, "Examining FDA's role in the regulation of genetically modified food ingredients," is expected to provide a...
Conaway’s team of aides to take top House Ag jobs
Incoming chairman Mike Conaway said he will install three of his top aides as the key staff members of the House Agriculture Committee.
Include farm workers in immigration order, Obama is asked
The Congressional Progressive Caucus urged President Barack Obama to "act swiftly and comprehensively" through an executive order that would allow undocumented aliens to stay in the country.
Roberts, Orman “haven’t closed the sale” in Kansas
"The race for the U.S. Senate seat from Kansas is about to get nastier," says the Kansas City Star in a story headlined, "With a week to go, U.S. Senate candidates in Kansas still haven't closed the sale."
Greens grow bigger in mid-term elections
Environmental groups, long seen as second-tier players in electoral politics, are gaining attention for activism and spending on mid-term races for Congress, says Politico.