Appeals court vacates EPA approval of ‘neonic’ sulfoxaflor
EU watchdog says ‘neonic’ sprays pose risk to honeybees

The European Food Safety Authority says leaf spraying of neonicotinoid pesticides poses a risk to honeybees, "reinforcing previous research that led to EU restrictions," reports Reuters.
Monsanto ends attempt to buy Syngenta
The seed and pesticide giant Monsanto Co. has ended its attempt to buy Syngenta, its Swiss rival, says Deutsche Welle.
Court tells EPA to decide on pesticide by Oct. 31
Early British rapeseed yields up slightly after EU neonic ban
Initial figures on Britain's rapeseed harvest show yields are slightly above the 10-year average, says the Independent. This is the first harvest since the EU banned use of neonicotinoid pesticides out of concern that they harm honeybees and other pollinating insects.
Quality, quantity of key crops imperiled by human impact
Changing environmental conditions around the world "could negatively impact the health of millions of people by altering the amount and quality of key crops," according to two studies from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Ontario sets limits on use of “neonic”-coated seeds
The provincial government of Ontario "is moving to take the sting out of pesticides that are killing bees," says the Toronto Star. On July 1, Ontario will be first jurisdiction in North America to limit plantings of corn and soybean seeds coated with neonicotinoid pesticides, says The Star...
WHO agency says 2,4-D weedkiller is “possibly carcinogenic”
The weedkiller 2,4-D is "possibly carcinogenic to humans," says the International Agency for Research of Cancer, the same WHO agency that classified glyphosate, the most widely used weedkiller in the world, as probably carcinogenic.
High annual honey loss rate – four of every 10 colonies

Nearly four of every 10 colonies of honey bees die annually, a markedly high rate, according to surveys of beekeepers designed to gauge the welfare of a prominent species for plant pollination. Losses have averaged 37 percent over the past five years.
Neonicotinoid not the sole villain in honeybee losses
A widely used insecticide, the neonicotinoid imidacloprid, "does not significantly harm honey bee colonies at real-world doses," contrary to concerns that neonics, as they are called, are to blame for population declines, says a University of Maryland study.
House ag panel approves bill on pesticide regulation
For the third time, the House Agriculture Committee approved a bill to override a court decision on permits for pesticides applied on or near federally regulated waters.
Watch out for pesticide residue on produce, says magazine
Shoppers should always buy organic peaches, strawberries, green beans and carrots to limit their exposure to pesticide residue, says Consumer Reports.
Sugarcane aphid, voracious sorghum pest, heads northward
"It sounds like the plot of a cheesy 1950s sci-fi movie," says Delta Farm Press in a story about the rapid spread of the sugarcane aphid, which can cause huge losses in sorghum yields.
U.S. aims to restore 200,000 acres for monarch butterfly
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and two conservation groups launched a campaign to save the monarch butterfly that includes restoration and enhancement of 200,000 acres of habitat.
Nanopesticides, the next, miniature step in agriculture
"The first nano-formulations of pesticides are quietly making their way onto agricultural fields," says Modern Farmer in a story by Susan West into the likely benefits of the technology and potential adverse effects.
Shelve neonicotinoids, foodmakers tell administration
Some 118 foodmakers, including Clif Bar, Nature’s Path, Organic Valley and Stonyfield, called on the Obama administration to suspend immediately the use of neonicotinoid pesticides on grounds they are driving down honeybee populations.
US-EU trade pact could lower pesticide rules-Report
The Center for International Environmental Law says the proposed U.S.-EU trade agreement "would reduce protection compared to the more stringent pesticide standards already in place in the EU and in individual U.S. states," says the Guardian.
Ontario proposes limits on “neonic” pesticides
The provincial government of Ontario proposed a three-point initiative to reduce use of corn and soybean seed treated with neonicotinoid pesticides by 80 percent by 2017, to reduce over-wintering deaths of honeybees by 15 percent by 2020 and to develop a comprehensive plan for pollinator health, says the CBC.