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North Korea

American farmers react as trade tensions flare

Once again, farmer groups expressed concern over the heated rhetoric coming out of the White House over trade agreements. The American Soybean Association and U.S. wheat groups were especially critical as a result of indications that the White House would withdraw from the free trade agreement between the United States and South Korea as early as Tuesday.

Trump’s war bluster has people stocking up on food, supplies

As the Trump administration spars with North Korea with threats of nuclear attacks, Americans are turning to so-called prepper businesses to stock up on food, water, and other supplies, reports The New York Times. 

Crop shortfall in North Korea will worsen food security

Dry winter compounds chronic food shortages in North Korea

"Markedly lower" rainfall is raising concern about the winter wheat and barley crops in North Korea, says the Washington Post. The winter grains supply only 5 percent of North Korea's food but are a vital bridge, the so-called barley hump, during the spring...