National Farmers Union
Ag sector slump makes strong farm bill vital, say two biggest farm groups
As lawmakers gather ideas for the 2018 farm bill, the two largest U.S. farm groups say one thing is clear: it's not the time to reduce funding for the bill and its vast array of USDA activities, from crop supports to food stamps. Commodity prices have been in a trough since 2013, so "many of America's farmers and ranchers are struggling," says the American Farm Bureau Federation, while the National Farmers Union said the drop in farm income threatens the survival of beginning farmers.
Perdue ‘can’t do it alone,’ say farm groups, asking Trump for USDA appointments
U.S. farmers and ranchers, among President Trump's strongest supporters, are “at a disadvantage” because Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue is running the USDA by himself, said 17 powerhouse farm groups in a letter to the president. It was one of the first expressions of discontent with the administration from the politically conservative farm sector.
Justice Dept. approves Dow–DuPont merger, with conditions
Dow Chemical and E.I. DuPont can carry out their planned $130 billion merger if they agree to sell off some of their pesticide and petrochemical business, said the Justice Department. Justice’s antitrust division said the divestitures would preserve competition in the ag chemical sector.
With new rural development leader, Perdue puts USDA reorganization into gear

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue has put the first reorganization of the USDA in a generation into action by hiring an assistant, who will be based in his office, to oversee rural economic development efforts.
Major farm groups put crop insurance, commodity subsidies as priority
The two largest U.S. farm groups and the leading groups representing corn, soybean, wheat, barley, canola and sunflower producers are united in asking for more money for the 2018 farm bill and in naming crop insurance and commodity programs as their top priorities for funding. "There is a consensus on every issue," the groups said in a statement presented at a House Agriculture subcommittee hearing on crop subsidies.
NFU in Wisconsin elects Muslim woman as president
At nearly the same time that Wisconsin voters backed Donald Trump for president, the members of a National Farmers Union chapter in central Wisconsin elected the first Muslim as county president in the organization's history. The new president, Alicia Razvi, is a recent entrant to farming and operates a community-supported agriculture farm near Stevens Point, says the NFU.
Farm groups look at Trump and see a potential ally

President-elect Donald Trump is getting a welcoming handshake from farm groups often identified with Democrats or populists, not just those touting free enterprise and low taxes. The National Farmers Union said in a letter to Trump that the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, backed by many farm groups, is a threat to the rural economy, so "we hope to work with your administration on fair trade deals."
‘There’s a lot more uncertainty’ as Trump era nears, says NFU leader

In 10 weeks, Donald Trump will become president and "there's a lot more uncertainty" about his plans for food and agriculture policy than normally accompanies an incoming administration, says president Roger Johnson of the National Farmers Union. "We know a fair amount of what he's against and less of what he's for."
As farm income slumps, debate over the future

If there was any doubt, the agricultural boom ended in red ink for relatively large-scale Illinois farmers last year — an average loss of $2,971 per farm just one year after they notched a net farm income of $107,290, say three University of Illinois economists. Low crop prices were the culprit in Illinois, and across the nation, with comparatively low farm income expected for several years to come.
USDA addresses unfair treatment of livestock producers

At the same time it sent three fair-play rules to the White House for review, the USDA said it will accept public comment on the most consequential of its proposals: an interim final rule on how to judge a producer's complaint of abuse by meat packers. The rule "clarifies that farmers need only prove they were treated unfairly by a company to secure legal remedy," a much easier standard to meet than now in use, says a small-farm advocacy group.
A foe of farm subsidies, think tank would remove food stamps from USDA

The conservative Heritage Foundation, which wants to eliminate crop subsidies and revenue insurance policies, also is gunning for food stamps, the largest federal anti-hunger program. In its recent "Blueprint for reform" paper, the foundation says control of food stamps should be transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services and that Congress "should introduce work requirements" for able-bodied adults.
Bayer to buy Monsanto for $66 billion in a giant deal for seeds and ag chemicals
Two of the largest seed and agricultural chemical companies of the world, Bayer and Monsanto, will combine in a deal valued at $66 billion. Monsanto chief executive Hugh Grant said the merger, in which Bayer buys Monsanto for cash, will result in "an innovation engine that pairs Bayer’s crop protection portfolio with our world-class seeds and traits and digital agriculture tools to help growers overcome the obstacles of tomorrow."
NFU says farm economy is an ‘economic disaster’
In a call to public officials and candidates from the local office to the White House, the National Farmers Union urged "an increase in price supports or (an) economic disaster declaration" to boost federal support for ranchers and growers facing the third year of an income slump. It was the strongest statement yet by a farm organization about the collapse in commodity prices that began in 2014.
DC veteran Goule to become Wheat Growers chief executive
Texas native Chandler Goule, a senior official at the National Farmers Union, will become chief executive of the National Association of Wheat Growers effective July 5, reports Agri-Pulse. The selection follows a suggestion by Jim Palmer, the departing NAWG leader, that the commodity group should recruit someone with experience in farm policy development and advocacy.
Dissenting bloc tries to stall TPP momentum
While most U.S. farm groups favor the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, "agriculture is not unanimously supporting this," says Roger Johnson, president of the National Farmers Union.
Ag outlook dour, wrong time to cut farm supports

In preview of issues for the 2018 farm bill, the leaders of the two largest U.S. farm groups argued against cuts in farm subsidies as the agricultural sector endures years of low commodity prices and income that is a fraction of the record set in 2013 at the end of a seven-year boom.
Second-largest U.S. farm group backs voluntary GMO labeling

Formerly a proponent of mandatory labeling, the National Farmers Union now supports voluntary labeling, said president Roger Johnson.
USDA welcomes ‘tough decision’ on GMO labels, says Vilsack

With Congress at an apparent impasse, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said he is willing to sort out a mandatory GMO food-labeling system. "If Congress is unwilling to make these tough decisions ... then delegate the responsibility to the Department of Agriculture," Vilsack said at the National Farmers Union convention.
NFU president appointed to U.S. trade advisory committee
President Biden named Rob Larew, president of the National Farmers Union, to the committee that advises U.S. trade representative Katherine Tai on trade policy, said the White House.