Topic Page

mental health

Rural groups seek larger program to mitigate stress in farm country

Congress put $2 million into a pilot program to address farmer stress and suicide this year, and a coalition of 43 rural and farm groups called today for full funding of the Farmers and Ranchers Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN). In a letter to senators and representatives overseeing the USDA budget, the groups proposed $10 million for fiscal 2020, which opens Oct. 1.

One counselor’s lonely struggle against farm country’s mental health crisis

In Minnesota, one of the country’s top farming states, just one man is responsible for dealing with farmers’ mental health needs. As low crop prices and farm closures weigh heavily on farming families, he is joining state legislators and advocates to push for allocating more resources to the pressing issue. <strong>(No paywall)</strong>

Agri-Mark delivers suicide hotline info along with milk check to farmers

As milk prices continue to stay low, many dairy farmers are facing dire financial straits. Amidst growing concern about farmers’ mental health, Agri-Mark, one of the biggest dairy cooperatives in the country, delivered information about suicide hotlines along with its milk checks last week.