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In irony, more efficient irrigation means less water for others

Growers along the South Platte River in Colorado are becoming more efficient water users and the outcome is the opposite of what most people would expect, says public broadcaster KUNC.

Keeping agriculture in an urbanizing county

Weld County, just northeast of Denver, "is the epicenter of urban growth and changing land use in Colorado," says public broadcaster KUNC.

Idaho ‘ag-gag’ law violates U.S. constitution, judge rules

U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill ruled that an Idaho law that bans secret filming of animal abuse on farms is unconstitutional, said the Associated Press.

Shelve neonicotinoids, foodmakers tell administration

Some 118 foodmakers, including Clif Bar, Nature’s Path, Organic Valley and Stonyfield, called on the Obama administration to suspend immediately the use of neonicotinoid pesticides on grounds they are driving down honeybee populations.