John Clifford
U.S. seeks up to 500 million doses of bird-flu vaccine

The government wants to stockpile up to 500 million doses of vaccine in case it is needed to stop an outbreak of avian influenza this fall and winter.
Coming soon? Windrows of dead, composting poultry

State and federal officials said they are looking for better ways to kill poultry flocks rapidly if bird flu hits the United States again, and that millions of fowl could be turned into compost or buried on the farms where they die.
“Significant” risk of new wave of bird flu in fall or spring

A second wave of the devastating avian influenza could appear this fall or next spring, the chief USDA veterinarian told senators, adding, "We will be ready for that challenge."
A year later, origin of deadly hog virus still a mystery
The government "has no clear idea" how Porcine Epidemic Virus entered the United States a year ago, Reuters says. The virus, with a high mortality rate for newborn pigs, has killed 10 percent of the U.S. hog herd and helped push pork prices to high levels.