job training
States are told to expand job training for SNAP recipients

The Trump administration said on Thursday that state agencies operating SNAP must expand their job-training activities for food stamp recipients as a way to help them earn more. The proposal was unveiled on the same day as a federal court hearing on a lawsuit to block a USDA regulation, set to take effect April 1, that ends SNAP benefits for 700,000 adults.
Time runs out for many on food stamps
As part of the 1996 welfare reform law, unemployed adults without children are limited to three months of food stamp benefits in a three-year period, unless they live in an area with high unemployment.
USDA selects Seattle for job training ‘Center of Excellence’
The nonprofit Seattle Jobs Initiative will receive a $3.6 million grant to set up and operate a Center of Excellence to help states hone the employment and training programs offered through the food stamp program, the USDA announced. The center is part of an initiative in the 2014 farm law to help poor people find jobs and move up the employment ladder.
With $200 million to divide, USDA seeks job-training ideas

The government will fund up to 10 pilot projects to provide food stamp recipients with the training and education to move up the job ladder, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced at a county employment office in Arlington, Va. The $200 million program is intended to improve the $400 million-a-year employment and training programs that are an adjunct of the major U.S. anti-hunger program.