Seafood, vegetables and fruit lead list of rejected food imports
A USDA analysis of FDA food inspections over a 15-year period found that seafood, vegetables and fruits are rejected more than anything else.
Export inspection, price-reporting bill cleared for Senate vote

The Senate Agriculture Committee approved a bill to reauthorize federal inspection of export grain and the requirement that meatpackers report purchase prices of cattle, hogs and sheep. The five-year reauthorization now goes to the Senate floor for a vote. The House approved separate bills to reauthorize the programs on June 9 by voice votes.
Catfish inspection may be tougher than U.S. producers expect
As the USDA moves closer to catfish inspection, domestic producers "may have received more than they bargained for," reports the New York Times, which quotes a handful of experts.
Consumer groups press for catfish inspection
Four consumer groups and the United Food workers union asked the White House to expedite the creation of the catfish inspection program, now six years past due.
US and Japan to meet on agriculture market access
U.S. and Japanese officials are to discuss agriculture market access issues this week in Tokyo. Market access has become a major obstacle to a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement involving...