immigration reform
Obama order affects 250,000 farm workers, maybe lots more
President Barack Obama's executive order on immigration will affect indirectly at least 250,000 and perhaps as many as 500,000 farm workers, says Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.
No specific protection for farm workers likely in Obama order
When President Barack Obama unveils an executive order affecting up to 5 million illegal immigrants, it is not expected to include agricultural workers, according to published reports.
Five top themes of 2014 and for the new year

The year-end holidays are a traditional time for summing up and for trying to forecast the future. Here is the Ag Insider list of five salient issues in food and agriculture policy likely to lead the headlines in the new year, as they did in the year now waning. The issues...
Do immigration piecemeal, says incoming Senate chairman

The incoming chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee says the Senate ought to take the same approach to immigration reform as the House - do it one piece at a time rather than assemble a comprehensive bill. "A provision dealing with just agriculture would pass Congress easily," Iowa Sen Chuck Grassley told reporters but action on popular items is stalled by advocates of a full-spectrum approach.
Include farm workers in immigration order, Obama is asked
The Congressional Progressive Caucus urged President Barack Obama to "act swiftly and comprehensively" through an executive order that would allow undocumented aliens to stay in the country.
Let House go first on immigration reform, says key senator

The incoming chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee says he'll let the House move first on immigration reform in the new session of Congress. "That way, we wouldn't be wasting our time," said Sen Chuck Grassley of Iowa. The Senate passed a comprehensive immigration bill, including a separate path to citizenship for farm workers, after weeks of divisive debate in 2013.
AGree calls for conservation, nutrition and food aid reforms
The AGree project, a multiyear endeavor to reach consensus among food and farm leaders, released a package of four papers that call for substantial remodeling of U.S. conservation, public nutrition and food aid programs as well as comprehensive immigration reform.
AGree farm-policy project “is pivoting into action”
The three-year-old AGree project on food and agriculture policy "is pivoting into action," said co-chair Gary Hirshberg during a "Future of Food" forum.
Farm groups urge immigration, guest-worker reforms
Broad-ranging reform is needed for U.S. immigration and guest worker laws, said three farm groups who supported the comprehensive reform bill passed by the Senate in 2013.
Obama mulls action on immigration

President Barack Obama "is reportedly reviewing proposals to allow as many as 5 million illegal immigrants to stay in the United States at least temporarily, according to several people familiar with his plans," said the Washington Post, with a decision "either this month or in early December." Republican leaders in Congress say the president should delay action or risk opposition on a wide range of administration goals.
White House undecided if farm workers in immigration order
President Barack Obama could announce as soon as next week an overhaul of the immigration system that would protect up to 5 million people from deportation and provide work permits to many of them, said the New York Times, citing administration officials.
McConnell, Grimes argue farm bill in Kentucky Senate race
Democrat Alison Grimes faulted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for missing many Agriculture Committee hearings and for not being one of the negotiators who wrote the 2014 farm law, says the Associated Press.
Immigration reform “effectively dead” until 2017
Lawmakers and advocates on both sides of the issue say immigration reform "is effectively dead and unlikely to be revived until after President Obama leaves office," said the Washington Post.
Immigration reformer loses hope for House action
Rep Luis Gutierrez, long active on immigration reform legislation in the House, "declared the prospects for reform dead this year and said the only option left is for President Barack Obama to take unilateral action to stem deportations," says Politico.
Cantor defeat chills immigration drive at least through fall
The defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a Republican primary in Virginia "could have major implications for an immigration overhaul," says the New York Times.
Survey finds strong support for immigration reform
Only 7 percent of Americans believe the U.S. immigration system is "generally working," says a survey by the Brookings Institution and the Public Religion Research Institute.
House agenda: Yes to CFTC and USDA bills, no to immigration
The House could begin debate this week on the Agriculture Department funding bill for the fiscal year that opens on Oct 1, says Majority Leader Eric Cantor's office.
Vilsack urges House “pass something” on immigration reform
AgSec Vilsack, saying "there is no question the opportunity for immigration reform is now," urged House Republican leaders to "pass something so you create a vehicle" for a House-Senate compromise.