White House competition checklist cites livestock marketing, ocean shipping

In a summary of achievements, the White House pointed on Monday to progress toward increased competition, including action on livestock marketing, consumer right-to-repair and ocean shipping rates. It said President Biden would "highlight progress we need to continue to make to promote competition and protect consumers" in the State of the Union speech on Tuesday, with so-called junk fees as an area for action.
‘Spot market’ program aims pandemic aid at hog farmers

The government will send up to $50 million to hog farmers who were forced to sell hogs at pandemic-depressed prices on the spot market during the summer of 2020, said the Agriculture Department on Monday. The announcement came a month after the USDA said it was disbursing $270 million to contract growers of hogs and poultry through its Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative.
Record profits for pork producers this summer
Hog farmers made a record profit of nearly $70 a hog this spring and are on track for much larger profits this summer, says economist Chris Hurt of Purdue University at farmdoc daily. He says "third quarter profits are expected to be over $100 per head due to continued high market prices and declining feed costs. Hog farmers have been slow to expand their herds, so the the supply of slaughter hogs remains tight.
Three Iowa farm groups form water-quality alliance
Groups representing soybean, corn and hog farmers in Iowa formed an alliance to encourage farmers in the Hawkeye state to voluntarily reduce nutrient runoff, said DTN.
PEDV spreads to 28 states, new swine disease appears
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus was discovered in Vermont this week, meaning the disease has hit 28 states, says DTN.