Heritage Foundation
Project 2025 plan for USDA: Repeal crop subsidies, move SNAP to HHS
In a second term as president, Donald Trump would seek repeal of crop subsidy and export promotion programs, make farmers pay more for crop insurance, and move all of USDA's public nutrition programs, including SNAP and school lunch, to the Department of Health and Human Services if he follows the advice of Project 2025, written by conservatives.
Rock-hard conservatives say Conaway is an obstacle to budget cuts
With House Republicans bogged down in budget discussions, the conservative group Heritage Action accused Agriculture Committee chairman Michael Conaway of being unwilling “to cut a paltry amount of federal spending from his committee.” A spokeswoman for Conaway called the criticism part of “Heritage Action’s long-running campaign against America’s farmers and ranchers.”
Conservative think tank would end crop subsidies, slash food stamps
The Heritage Foundation, credited as the source of many of President Trump's ideas on cutting discretionary spending, would eliminate the two major crop subsidy programs now in operation, end revenue insurance and abolish marketing orders for fresh produce if it had its way. The think tank's "Blueprint for Balance," a budget package for fiscal 2018, may answer the question of what the White House will propose in May as the full-bore successor to its "skinny budget" issued March 16.
A foe of farm subsidies, think tank would remove food stamps from USDA
The conservative Heritage Foundation, which wants to eliminate crop subsidies and revenue insurance policies, also is gunning for food stamps, the largest federal anti-hunger program. In its recent "Blueprint for reform" paper, the foundation says control of food stamps should be transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services and that Congress "should introduce work requirements" for able-bodied adults.
Rubio draws conservative ire over sugar support
Writing in the National Review on Monday, Windsor Mann castigated presidential candidate and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio for defending the federal sugar program.