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healthy diet

Is that a red light on your candy bar?

To help people choose healthier meals, some cafeterias are using "traffic light" labels on their food, writes Tove Danovich at Civil Eats. At Massachusetts General Hospital, which adopted the approach in 2009, sales of sodas and other beverages marked "red" fell significantly in two years.

After the holidays, people buy more food

Americans buy more food, in terms of calories, after the year-end holidays than during the holiday season, often maligned as a period of over-indulgence, says a study in PLOS ONE, according to Feedstuffs.

Healthy food at low price is difficult goal for grocer in Detroit

When Whole Foods, "the world's leader in organic and natural foods" with 360 stores, opened a store in Detroit in June 2013, top executives said they wanted to reach "all of Detroit" with lower prices and to encourage healthier diets.

On America’s grocery list – more fresh food, less processed

Grocery shoppers are spending less time, and money, in the center aisles of the supermarket, where the processed foods dwell and more time in the dairy case, meat counter and produce bins, says the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

School lunch vs brown bag, and visualizing 2,000 calories

Two studies suggest that school meals are more nutritious than meals packed at home, says the New York Times blog Well. The studies, conducted in urbanized Houston and in rural Virginia found the school food to be lower in fat and sugar than ...

Healthier diets could mean less greenhouse gases

Researchers at the University of Minnesota say large-scale adoption of "traditional" diets rich in fruits, vegetables and fish would mean lower volumes of greenhouse gases than the diet that commonly accompanies rising incomes around the world...

Global declaration of right to food at nutrition conference

At the International Conference on Nutrition meeting in Rome, senior officials from 170 nations "made a number of concrete commitments and adopted a series of recommendations on policies and investments aimed at ensuring that all people have access to healthier and more sustainable diets," says the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

Food given to babies can set eating patterns for life

Researchers at the University of Buffalo say babies given foods high in sugar, fat and protein in their early months of life are more likely to eat less nutritious foods later in life.

Victory in Berkeley energizes soda tax campaigners

The landslide passage of a 1 cent-per-ounce tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, such as sodas, energy drinks and sweetened teas, by votes in Berkeley, Calif, "was a big defeat for Big Soda and a big victory for...

Diet as infant has lasting effects; low carbs for lower weight?

A series of 11 nutritional studies published in the journal Pediatrics indicate that dietary preferences are determined during infancy, says the New York Times. It says researchers compared the diets of 1,500 six-year-olds to their food patterns during their first year. Says the Times story: "(W)hen infants had infrequent consumption of fruits and vegetables, they also had infrequent consumption at 6,” said Kelley Scanlon, an epidemiologist at the C.D.C. and the senior author of a few of the new studies.

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