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global trade

Vilsack: China to move quickly on GMO crops, beef imports

At annual U.S.-China trade talks, China "indicated today it would move quickly to review the 11 agricultural biotechnology events [GMO crop varieties] pending approval, and continue our dialogue on access for U.S. beef," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack in a U.S. statement. "My hope is that over the next 30 to 60 days, these words are met with consistent action."

Crop insurance is potential target in world trade complaints

More than 100 countries offer crop insurance, a sign of the rising popularity of the instrument in providing support for producers since the formation of the World Trade Organization, says an IFPRI report. Premium volumes grew by roughly 16 percent a year, to well above $30 billion, in the decade ending in 2013. The United States accounts for one-third of the premium volume worldwide, with China at about 40 percent of the U.S. level. Japan, Canada and the EU also run large programs.

World coffee crop falls for second year in a row

Global coffee production is forecast for 149.8 million bags weighing 60 kg apiece, down for the second year in a row, says USDA in its semi-annual Coffee: World Markets and Trade report.

Chief US negotiator says no TPP agreement during APEC

The chief U.S. trade official says there will be no major announcement in the next couple of days for the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade group, says Reuters.

US farm law turns toward protectionism, analyst says

Parts of the 2014 farm law "send a message to trading partners that U.S. agriculture is becoming more protectionist," writes UC-Davis economics professor Colin Carter in Choices, the journal of agricultural economics.

USDA moving deliberatively on undersecretary for trade

USDA is giving a thorough examination of how to reorganize its international trade functions, including creation of a new senior-level position, undersecretary for trade and foreign agricultural affairs, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack during a teleconference.

“There is going to have to be a serious negotiation over this”

That's how Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack summed up U.S. and EU differences on so-called geographic indicators, the names that tie a food to its home area, whether it's Vidalia onions from Georgia or sparkling wine from the Champagne region of France.

Vilsack in Europe to promote US-EU farm trade

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is on a whirlwind tour of Europe this week with the goal of expanding trans-Atlantic agricultural trade.

US, Japan discuss parameters for agricultural market access

Japanese and U.S. negotiators explored various factors that control market openings for farm imports during President Obama's visit, a senior administration official told reporters.

U.S. and Japan find “path forward” on trade

The leaders of the United States and Japan say "they have made significant progress on the agriculture and auto issues that have blocked a huge Asia-Pacific trade deal following intense talks," says Politico.

Obama trip to Asia has farm trade implications

President Obama will meet the leaders of four nations - Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines - during a trip through Asia that begins on Tuesday.

U.S. will investigate sugar imports from Mexico

The Commerce Department announced it will open an investigation into charges that Mexico is dumping subsidized sugar in the United States

U.S. calls for WTO reform in 2024

International trade discussions are seeing a new dynamism now that the WTO is focused on updating and reforming its rules, said U.S. trade representative Katherine Tai. In a speech to a Washington think tank, Tai said the ministerial conference scheduled for February should "lock in progress on areas where we can agree."

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