global seed bank

What seed saving can tell us about the end of the world

"In fewer than 100 years, seed-saving, a practice that had always been essential to human survival, went from mainstream to something most of us are barely aware of, something happening at the fringes of our food culture — small farms, Native communities, survivalists," write Kea Krause, in FERN's latest story, published with Orion Magazine. No paywall

First withdrawal from ‘doomsday’ seed vault

The global seed bank built into an Arctic mountainside has approved the first withdrawal from its vaults, to help a research agency displaced by civil war in Syria, says Reuters.

The world’s seed banks perennially are short of money

There are about 1,750 seed banks around the world "that collect, store, regenerate and distribute crop varieties and their ancestors in perpetuity," says Ensia. There are literally millions of accessions.